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Could you name 3 things you hope Trump might plausibly do & 3 things he might plausibly refrain from in office?

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keska15 · F Best Comment
US has money. Ukraine needs money. It's not very hard to figure out what to do, but as I guess that you still dont get it, I'll help you:
1. More money to Ukraine
2. No supporting Russia, that means the agressor

And really no offence, BUT as you said

"2. make us an energy independent nation.
3. Quit borrowing money we don’t have."

that basically means "lets only focus on US, not other things like Europe" and if you didnt know then thats one of the reasons that led to both world wars. So ig try to care more and yeah, world can be happier place maybe.
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Hopeful for:
1. Secure the border and deport illegal criminals.
2.Make us an energy independent nation.
3. Quit borrowing money we don’t have. (Time to pull out of Ukraine!)

Refrain from:
1. Never not support Israel. Give them all that they need!
2. Being soft on crime
3 Telling his enemies his plans!
CedricH · M
@NoGamesTolerated @NoGamesTolerated
Definition: broke
having completely run out of money.

The US hasn’t run out of money. If the Treasury had run out of money, the US would currently be defaulting on its sovereign debt which is tantamount to a state bankruptcy. That, however, is not the case. Just to make that plain.
I said I’m done! You are a joke!

Go on and see how far this logic gets you!
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@CedricH 1.8 Trillion in debt with over 1 Trillion in interest. Look it up yourself. We aren't broke? No because we just print more money. If you did your checking the way the US balances it books you'd be in prison.
It would be nice if the people fear mongering about him were right that he will do away with NATO and that his supporters who have deluded themselves into thinking he is a peacemaker were also right.

I come from a military family and every war we have gotten into since 1945 Americans dragged us into it.

I am not holding my breath though. Republicans are already trying to dictate our military spending and he has not even taken office and also ignoring the fact that according to the "free world" narrative Canada is supposed to be an independent nation.
pride49 · 31-35, M
Foreigners are REALLY interested in american politics for some reason.
CedricH · M
@pride49 Well, it‘s a mystery… why would people around the world care about politics in the most important nation that has ever existed in world history.
AmericanAvenger · 56-60, M
1 Deport ALL dryfronts
2 Deport ALL anchor babies
3 Rid the US of the law that grants instant citizenship to anchor babies
Reason10 · 70-79, M
@AmericanAvenger I forgot those items. And you're right. They are very important.

Get those animals OUT of this country before they can commit more crimes, corrupt future elections, etc.
GeniUs · 56-60, M
No. 1 Have a Trump on the road to Damascus (or US equivalent) moment and become a good guy.
It is so hard to predict when there is no integrity.
Trump refrain? That's a hoot.
Reason10 · 70-79, M
1. Negotiate with Ukraine and Russia, and get those two to knock it off. He might even accomplish that before taking the oath of office.
2. Fix the American economy with tax cuts, aggressive trade deals and promoting domestic energy production.
3. Get the raghead Hamas animals to return the Israeli hostages and stop attacking Israel. That will fix the entire MIddle East.

1. Engage in lawfare against political enemies like Nazi Pelosi, F You Schumer, and other goose steppers. (The President will not have time for that, although those Nazis certainly deserve it.)

The Hope Not column is a little short.

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