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If elected, will Trumps 200% tariff plan on imported goods back fire?

Poll - Total Votes: 9
Yes, spectacularly.
No, don’t be stupid. It will be an amazing success like everything else Trump ever touched.
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Repete · 61-69, M
Tariff’s will come back to the consumers that buys whatever has tariff’s on them. Tariff’s will work the way they are supposed to but we won’t see any change except higher prices.

Just like Mexico paid for the wall.
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
@Repete FFS don't bring up the BBW (Big Bewtiful Wall)! 8-) That's a covfefe on steroids.
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
Trump wants to make USA 'isolationist' like North Korea.
Backfire on who? I'm sure it would work for Trump and those with money enough to take advantage of the carnage.
justanothername · 51-55, M
@MistyCee Ah yes, I forgot about the back room bribes that would make Trump a very wealthy authoritarian dictator.
@justanothername Frankly, I doubt Trump could pull off a 200% tariff plan even if he wins the election, but the concept could get him elected with msm sane washing and failure to actually hold his collaborators to account.
Livingwell · 61-69, M
Tariffs only affect the importer. They do not affect the exporter. The result is you and I pay more for imported goods. It's a false premise that it helps keep jobs here or anything else. It's like the give corporations a tax break and they will waterfall those savings to workers. They kept every penny and still laid us off and hired foreign workers. All lies.
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
@Livingwell Covid showed how that works. Here in Australia the federal government of the day (ironically Liberal/Republican like Trump's party) implemented something called 'Jobkeeper' which *insured* businesses when nearly everyone was forced out of their jobs and businesses were forced to shut down, but did *not* insure the actual employee's jobs (though it was portrayed as doing that). It was basically facilitating accelerated wealth concentration by the elite (one of the primary goals of Covid).
Biden already terrifized you on solar panels. Murkans lie like rugs. Enjoy your poverty!
Khenpal1 · M
One needs a decade for markets to adjust
Zonuss · 41-45, M
Yep. China will just raise the prices once again. And the quality of products will lower.

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