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Which one? Pro-choice- Pro-life

Poll - Total Votes: 20
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I personally am pro-choice because it's a woman's body and a decison that she has to deal with, noone else. It's between her and God. Arresting a woman for her choice is ridicious. Forcing a woman to carry a pregnancy is torture.

No judgements here, Just asking
A woman isn't the sole person who has to deal with a abortion, the child does as well.
JSul3 · 70-79
@Motzu A clump of cells is not a child.
A zygote is not a child. An embryo is not a child. A fetus is not a child until viability....even then, many things can go wrong...and many times they do.
@JSul3 A clump of cells is not a human. The Khmer Rouge were onto something, right? It's truely remarkable how this mindset of yours can write anyone off as unworthy of life, because they are in a state of other unworthy of consideration and expedient to disposal for your own selfish concerns, agenda and gains. It's always the lesser people who die.

HobNoblin · 36-40, M
100% pro choice. Abortion is already illegal after so much time. A brainless lump of tissue isn't a "baby". I can't believe when otherwise rational people start spewing crazy talk about killing babys. You just have to write them off at that poin as another loon. It's the rights verson of "some men have periods".
weareacouple · 56-60, C
@HobNoblin The next time your wife, sister, girlfriend or any other woman has a miscarriage and is heartbroken, just tell her it was just a brainless lump of tissue and see how that goes for you.
HobNoblin · 36-40, M
@weareacouple She'd know it's a brainless lump of tissue. Its a matter of wanting to turn it into a baby and having her hopes dashed that the grief comes from. Now , lets talk about why it is that you can't seem to get your head atound that fact .
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Pro choice but it should be done as early as possible. Before it resembles a baby. I mean, I still believe that a woman comes first and overall it's none of my business but the later it is, the more wrong it feels.
Officially I'm pro choice, but personally I'm pro life. It's my decision and suits me, but I don't believe I should be judging others for their choice.
Elessar · 26-30, M
It's either pro-choice or pro-forced-pregnancy. There's absolutely not a "pro-life" option.
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Her choice was when she spread her thighs
Justenjoyit · 61-69, M
I just belive people should have a choice, at the end of the day its their life and they know better than anyone else.
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BeautifulLibra · 46-50, F
@Diotrephes True, or just be forced to raise a child they're not ready to raise. The pro-lifers aren't going to help you raise the baby. It makes no sense to me.

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