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Another Deceptive Misleading Antics of Trumps




Yeah, if it had been real, it would have been a violation of health & hygiene regulations!!

Real food workers need hair nets and gloves!!
RedBaron · M
@DeWayfarer Trump wears an orange hat. 🤣
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@RedBaron he's got orange skin.
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CestManan · 46-50, F
You have to hand it to tRump, he never runs out of awkward stunts to pull. 🤣

It is like watching the three stooges at this point except I think they were more intelligent.

What was he trying to even accomplish?

At this point when he does something, you just have to think, "Grandpa wet the bed again, ohhh well."
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@CestManan It is more likely that he Shit the Bed, again.
RedBaron · M
@CestManan Of course, but their votes still count, so you’re not saying anything consequential.
WalksWith · 56-60, F
Come on now, Ol' Don has to do his grift!

Former President Donald Trump was quick to capitalize on his McDonald’s drive-thru stunt on Monday, selling his supporters a $100 “MAGADonald’s” shirt.
@WalksWith 🤣 No diamond Watches or Gold high tops?
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
This is so petty, yes, it's panedering, obviously, all politicians do it.
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
@Learninglife9 more or less, at least trump did this, kamala straight up lied about working there
Learninglife9 · 61-69, F
@Rolexeo what this world has come to people will just outright call another person a liar because it can't be proven or disproven.

McDonald's openly said they don't have records from back that far.

And because she didn't list it or write about it in her memoirs the first thing that comes to certain people's minds is that she lied about it.

Well I worked at McDonald's, Popeyes, Churches and I bet they don't have records of that it was so long ago..... Over a certain amount of years even schools don't keep records and everything is on computers now and they were not 40 years ago.

And when I was working and work history was required I didn't list them all - skipped over some and most people do.

And when writing memoirs some things you just don't see is very important _ may not even think about.

Trump is never worked a day in his life poking fun at her - and most likely he's the one that was the first to say she was a lie and his followers are those that don't like the vice president take it and run instead of rationalizing.
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
@Learninglife9 You people tell on yourselves and don't even realize it
carpediem · 61-69, M
Hilarious. The more you liberals whine about this, the happier Trump is. The man knows how to control the media and get under your skin.

It’s hilarious 😂
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
I hear he fixed the ice cream machine.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
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MarkPaul · 26-30, M

Nuclear threat from North Korea eliminated: LIE He cared about "falling in love" with Kim Jung Un.

Cleanest air and water in history: LIE He cared about eliminating environmental protection regulations.

Conservative: LIE He ran up among the highest contribution to the federal deficit in history.

Mexico will pay for the wall: LIE Mexico never paid for the wall and he never finished building the wall.

A big, better, beautiful, less expensive health care plan: LIE He never repealed and replaced Obamacare.

During his term...

--Highest unemployment in modern history
-- Rioting and looting over his policies
-- Encouraged a (failed) insurrection
-- Stripped abortion rights that he was both proud of and had nothing to do with
-- Hired "only the best" who turned into the worst "dumb as rocks" people, in his own words
-- Botched COVID response that he called a hoax, that he said would he would never let into the USA, that he said would magically disappear, that he forced through a vaccine that "the base" didn't want and wouldn't take because it was rushed and died in large numbers from "the hoax."
-- Shows growing signs of dementia
-- Shows growing signs of being a latent homosexual as his dementia progresses
-- Uses more make-up than Dolly Parton
-- Sexually assaulted a woman, defamed her, and owes her over $83 M for his crime
-- Is laughed at by world leaders
-- Is a pedophile

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Gibbon · 70-79, M
@CestManan You've described every politician in existence in one crooked way or another.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@Learninglife9 She already has you trained. Using avoidance is her specialty
@Learninglife9 She grew up priviliged, everything was handed to her, she didn't earn anything, that does not make her successful on her own. Want to know who despises her the most? REAL Black women, until 2020 she always identified as east Indian.
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Learninglife9 · 61-69, F
@Musicman trying to be insulting through someone else's comment - well what he said right back at you.
Musicman · 61-69, M
@Learninglife9 I was just scanning replies. Whatever makes you happy though. I definitely don't agree with you though.
Learninglife9 · 61-69, F
@Musicman Well it shows where your mind is because he **could have been speaking of trump** - that's why I asked the question.

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Learninglife9 · 61-69, F
@BuzzedLightyear Pee-wee Herman emphasis on the peewee
BuzzedLightyear · 61-69
@Learninglife9 im so outmatched here
Learninglife9 · 61-69, F

Reverse psychology?
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