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AOC’s “Defund the Police” District Swarmed by State Troopers to Clean up Third World “Seedy Strip”

Democrat-run regions across the U.S. are often plagued by deteriorating conditions, and few areas demonstrate this more starkly than Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s district in Queens, New York.

Once a bustling community, parts of the district have now been reduced to scenes reminiscent of a “Third World” country. Prostitution, illegal vendors, and open crime have taken over the streets, with locals describing conditions as dangerous and disgraceful.

The situation has become so dire that the state of New York had to step in, deploying state troopers to restore order. The area, which encompasses parts of Roosevelt Avenue, is now known more for its rampant criminal activities than its once vibrant culture.

To address the worsening situation, New York state troopers have been deployed in a massive effort to bring law and order to the embattled community. “Operation Restore Roosevelt,” led by New York City Mayor Eric Adams, aims to curb the rampant crime in the two-mile stretch of Roosevelt Avenue that has earned a reputation as a red-light district. The operation includes a multi-agency task force targeting prostitution, illegal vendors, and other criminal activities.

The shocking nature of this intervention cannot be overstated. In a district run by one of the most vocal progressive voices in the country, it’s troubling that conditions have deteriorated so badly that state troopers are now a necessity.

Democratic leaders, including Council Member Francisco Moya, have even admitted that the situation has become so out of control that the area now has “more brothels than bodegas.”
She may have been a bartender in ‘Da Bronx, but DID NOT grow up in the areas she represents. She received a college education at Boston University, not some community college.
So, now as a Congresswoman, living I believe in or around D.C., what is her income level?
She alleges she “ represents” those living in those districts but obviously is not aware of the issues that plague them. Why is that?
Prostitution? Where is her concern and empathy for the women in HER AREA that are being used and very likely abused too. WTF? No # me too! For them?
Long and short of my reply is that NYC has terrible politicians both in the city and in D.C.
send in the social workers... pmsl
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