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An interesting coincidence about Trump and the last election

It is interesting that Georgia a state the Turmpists tried to meddle in the election there and it is also the home of a literal finishing school to train right wing dictators and torturers.
The School of the Americas is just a Infantry School for international students. I knew some of the instructors, I was the one giving them reading lists, not the other way around.

Reason we had to set up the school was either Ecuador or Columbia- back in the 50s they sent some guys for Special Forces training, and the instructors flunked one out. So he returned home, and was decapitated. The government sent a apology back stating what they did.

Obviously this freaked all the instructors out who didn't want to train foreigners anymore, so that's why whenever Slecial Forces recruits are put on a team with foreigners, NOBODY passes. Everyone gets a gold star and a pat on the back, and the American recruits get recycled because they couldn't get properly scored.

Infantry School just does officer level courses ontop of that. We also get a bunch of foreigners via Airborne School (that is a individual pass and fail). Some countries send their royalty to West Point (a four year college that also produces officers).

The School of Americas (infantry School) is in a Division called Follow Me. Most people in Swallow Me are dumb as a sack of bricks, read a handful of TRADOC manuals, half of them couldn't point to South America on a map. They are too stupid to know how Fascism works. Or how Marxism works. Or how Capitalism works. Or how Credit Cards work.

They are not training fascist. They are training them on basic battalion level maneuvers your average Canadian Mountie learned back when he was in the Army. They just happen to sometimes turn to Marxism (usually) or fascism (rarer, not as many revolutionary theorists or USSR/CCP equivelents handing out weapons to them).

They train armies who can barely road march or drive tanks in anything other than a stright line to conduct basic military operations in a combined arms enviroment. Democracies do this more than tyrannies believe it or not. And yes, Canada does that too.
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LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
You do realize I'm going to have to ask for more details.
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LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Wow, you weren't kidding.
@LordShadowfire I know correlation is not causation.

But if you think about it. If someone works at Fort Benning training fascists and convince themselves there are good and bad fascists to make the cognitive dissonance work to do their job. It doesn't seem so far of a stretch that they could talk themselves into believing a "good" fascist at home is good too.
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