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Consider for a moment...

If, God forbid, anything were to happen to the President, who, based on last night's performance, would you rather see step in to the White House? Vance or Walz?
KateATX · 41-45, F
There’s absolutely no question Vance is better prepared.
Handfull1 · 61-69, F
Vance was very poised, confident, gorgeous baby blues! Reminded me of the high school quarterback worshiped by all. Walz fumbled a bit especially at the beginning. Both are superficial reasons to vote for anyone!
trollslayer · 46-50, M
I have never voted based upon who would be better to step in as VP, but I did not vote for McCain specifically because I felt Sarah Palin was incapable.

I find both Walz and Vance capable, so this will not be part of my criteria.

However - I don't view Trump as capable in the first place, so if he wins, I have no problem with him croaking and Vance taking over.

I still want to believe Vance is better than the person he portrays these days.
daydeeo · 61-69, M
@trollslayer You contradict yourself in your first paragraph.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@daydeeo not really. It was the opposite in this case. It was not about who I thought would be better; it was that one instance where I felt one was unqualified. I wasn’t choosing the “better” one, because this was a one-horse race. Only twice in my few decades of voting in presidential elections did I feel a candidate was unqualified. Palin in 2008 and Trump this year. Every other time (including Trump in 2016 and 2020) I felt the candidate was at least qualified, no matter how much I disliked him/her. Palin I simply felt lacked the mental capacity to understand problems and make decisions (general lack of knowledge about simple geography was very alarming). And Trump I feel is unqualified this year based upon his 2020 election denial and related treasonous crimes.
daydeeo · 61-69, M
@trollslayer "I have never voted based upon who would be better to step in as VP, but I did not vote for McCain specifically because I felt Sarah Palin was incapable."
Thst is your first paragraph. Is that not self-contradicting?
RedBaron · M
God has nothing to do with it.

But Biden is president for almost four more months, so it would be Harris.
RedBaron · M
@daydeeo You had no real point to miss.

But go ahead, keep trying to convince yourself that you did.
daydeeo · 61-69, M
@RedBaron I wasn't trying to make a point. I simply asked a question, hoping to elicit some thoughtful response.
RedBaron · M
@daydeeo But you failed to recognize that there is no choice since we only have one president and one VP at a time.
daydeeo · 61-69, M
I'm not so sure poise are confidence are entirely superficial.
Handfull1 · 61-69, F
@daydeeo maybe not entirely but when even gay men are swooning over him, that’s superficial! He would wipe them off the planet.

Presentation in most things is superficial. Not saying it isn’t beneficial and we don’t all use it. It’s not everything tho.
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