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Florida Republicans are trying to raise the voting threshold needed to pass abortion reforms from 60% to 66.667%

Clearly, Republicans are all for devolving powers to individual states, provided those states will then do what they want.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
The legislature passes the laws. A constitutional amendment isn’t required. However the libs are going try constitutional route to attempt to prove a ridiculous point. Not the first time. Likely not the last.
Illyria · M
2/3 is required for amending the US constitution and the same in most other states.
But not in Florida. MAGA/GOP are very keen to devolve powers to the states, why not let Florida keep its 60% threshold? Oh wait, because otherwise some liberal amendments might get through, and we can't have that, can we?

And, by the way, I have a diagnosis. You have:

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That's nothing. Dems failed to get rid of the filibuster and the nation is also lacking in democracy.
dale74 · M
Well, Kamala Harris likes to talk about the lady who died from not getting abortion care when the truth is the lady had died because she took the abortion pill and it killed her. Which that pill is outlawed in her state because it has severe risks of life.
Illyria · M
@dale74 She wouldn't have felt desperate enough to have taken the pill in the first place if the laws were not so inhumane.
dale74 · M
@Illyria you growing some awful wide assumptions
Illyria · M
@dale74 Then why did she take the pill?
Lovesungoddess · 18-21, F
So that means 66.666666666666... repeating, yikes!
Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
Minority rule

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