Donald Trump here. I did not lose at that game of pool. I won. In fact I played the greatest game of pool in the history of pool. It was really amazing. Afterwards I was getting calls and emails from all over telling me, 'Donald that was the greatest game of pool we've ever seen, it was really amazing. We've never seen anything like it before.'
Carla · 61-69, F
@robingoodfellow "pool players, big burly men, came up to me with tears in their eyes...they said, SIR! Weve never been so moved by a billards match in our lives. You're so brave to play this game!"
FreestyleArt · 36-40, M
Trump doesn't drink though.
KunsanVeteran · M
@FreestyleArt Do you really believe what tRUMP tells you?
KunsanVeteran · M
For someone who repeatedly claims he’s been “completely exonerated” tRUMP sure whines and cries a lot. And he keeps getting indicted by all those grand juries.
How simply awful, huh? Why an independent, unbiased observer would conclude he’s GUILTY AS SIN, right?
For someone who repeatedly claims he’s been “completely exonerated” tRUMP sure whines and cries a lot. And he keeps getting indicted by all those grand juries.
How simply awful, huh? Why an independent, unbiased observer would conclude he’s GUILTY AS SIN, right?
KunsanVeteran · M
@KunsanVeteran We have just learned that September 26 is going to be a VERY BIG and VERY BAD day for Donald tRUMP in DC Court!
Get your popcorn ready! Lots and lots of REALLY BAD NEWS heading his way!
Get your popcorn ready! Lots and lots of REALLY BAD NEWS heading his way!
Nimbus · M
Everyone knows Biden only drinks Coke with a straw.
Everyone knows Biden only drinks Coke with a straw.
CookieCrisp · F
lol, i appreciate the sentiment
GrinNude · 61-69, C
Before you can call yourself spiritual or religious, learn to be kind.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
So it was all an unfortunate misunderstanding . . 😌