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hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Because the only way Kackles could ever win is if there was massive fraud. She dropped out as candidate last election because even her own party wouldn't vote for her.
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Lisa82 · 41-45, F
@Corporalcolleague this might be a loss of epic proportions kind of like Walter Mondale against Reagan. I don't know if Trump is going to even take four states.
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Guaranteed. After that, Trump will go on a “victory tour” for months, and the MyPillow guy’s head will explode. Sweaty Rudy will make a few half-hearted attempts to accuse Harris of cheating, without any evidence, while Large Marge will scream “l’ll get you my little pretty, if it’s the last thing I do!…and your little dog too!” It’s all way too predictable at this point.
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Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
@Sidewinder AKA Moscow Marjory
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Sidewinder · 36-40, M
To paraphrase the words of a far wiser man than myself: "Well, that's just like, their opinion, man."
@Sidewinder eight year olds, Dude”.
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
@RockerDad My point is that calling someone else a cheater when the cheater is yourself is a classic example of psychological projection.
@Sidewinder I agree with you there.
@soar2newhighs DUUUDE!!! Nobody kneeled to George Floyd. We simply recognized that he was murdered in cold blood by a group of cops. It's funny the "choose life" party is so cavalier about murder.

Trump's "miraculous" economy was just a continuation of Obama's with higher deficits. Don't believe me? Let's play

!!! Spot the Trump Miracle !!!

Here's ten years of job creation data. Ignore the drop of 22 million jobs when the pandemic started and concentrate on how job creation changed starting in Dec 2017 when Trump introduced his trillion dollar tax cut.

Do you see a "Trump miracle"? Do you see any change in jobs? Do you see any difference whatsoever between job creation rates under Obama and Trump? I surely don't.

Here's monthly rate of job growth in thousands; it's effectively the derivative of the above; it would show any changes in rate of job growth if changes had occurred. See any "Trump miracle"? Me neither!

Anyway, my biggest objection to Trump is how badly he botched our covid response.

All through Trump's term, our Covid per capita death rate was DOUBLE that of countries like Canada & Germany, resulting in about 550,000 Covid deaths under Trump.

If Trump had handled Covid as well as, say, Justin Trudeau, we'd have had 275,000 FEWER DEATHS! Put another way, Trump's mis-management of Covid cost more deaths than THREE Viet Nam wars!! Three Viet Nams in a SINGLE YEAR, not spread out over ten years like the actual war!!!

Sure, Covid came from outside. And different leaders in different countries managed it differently. Trump's piss-poor Covid management is made clear by the relative per capita death rates.

"I look at it this way," Birx told CNN's Chief Medical Correspondent Sanjay Gupta. "The first time, we have an excuse. There were about 100,000 deaths that came from that original surge. All of the rest of them, in my mind, could have been mitigated or decreased substantially."

@ElwoodBlues I disagree that Floyd was “ murdered” though that fit a narrative. Sadly he was a criminal and a drug user. It caught up with him.
And that was a political theater stunt by the party of panderers aka democrats.
@soar2newhighs So it was a GiAnTt CoNsPiRaCy among pathologists to lie about the cause of death??
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@RockerDad I’ve often said he puts his mouth in gear before his brain. And yes that does not bode well for him.

But given what we’ve seen under this so called president( thankfully gone as of 21 Jan. 25.) and Harris I’d rather have Trump in office.
I don’t concern myself with what he said.
What I am Interested in are real issues;
The border and how this administration has blatantly refused to stem the flow of illegal migrants. The vetting of these immigrant and how cities are catering to them while Americans are ignored
The mishandling of America’s energy
The economy
The crime we’re seeing
The deterioration of our cities
Our relationship with China and Russia
Our dealings with Iran.
The administration’s handling and involvement in both Ukraine and Israel.
The waste of American tax dollars on programs that do not necessarily work.

Hey don’t talk about “ felons” to me because you had a bunch of mostly if not all Democrats kneeling in homage to a felon aka George Floyd…

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Corporalcolleague · 61-69, M
MAGA nation has already got the mindset that the ONLY way that the Promised One could lose is by cheating....
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
She cant win any other way. Its how pedo Pete won
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
@RockerDad your stories

I mean,deviant sexual behavior totally tracks for MAGAts:

@Patriot96 all true.
@RockerDad Vote for whoever you want, but what is she bringing to the table?
Her’s what they’ve ( she) done and now she’s going to do, what? Fix these problems, now?
They ( he’s irrelevant now)) but she along with him has failed this country.
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Tell us what she is bringing to the table that will get her a win.
@soar2newhighs oh I will😊
@soar2newhighs Trump mercilessly attacked Biden on his age, even though they are only three years apart. By comparison, Harris is much younger than Trump. When I comes to word salad, Trump has taken it to an art form. Do I need to bring up the rowboat in the ocean with the big battery and the shark that’s ten meters away? Do I need to bring up windmill cancer? Do I need to bring up our overwhelming air power against the British during the revolutionary war? Injecting disinfectant? Using tactical nukes against hurricanes? Building a moat along the southern border filled with alligators? Stolen top secret documents that first didn’t exist, then were his personal property, then were planted by the FBI to make him look bad, then they were his personal property again, but it’s ok because he waved his liver-spotted hand over them and de-classified them (including the top secrets regarding the capabilities of our nuclear submarine fleet, and battle plans against Iran), which he shared with his billionaire friends with no security clearance). How about saying that John McCain wasn’t a war hero because he got captured, and tortured for years in a Vietnamese prison camp? How about when he said other veterans were “suckers”? How about during a ceremony honoring the last two surviving Navajo Code Talkers, when he referred to Sen. Elizabeth Warren as “Pochehatis”? Or when he disrespected Gold Star Families, or the shit he pulled just last week at Arlington Cemetery? The guy is four-flushing turd, and you know it, but you just don’t care.
@RockerDad oh, I forgot to mention the 34 felony convictions that he’s due to be sentenced for next week. Sorry. It’s so hard to keep track of all of this!
MasterLee · 56-60, M
nudistsueaz · 61-69, F
Only if it's True. Not sure it matters now that we are living in a Banana Republic.
💯 guaranteed
trollslayer · 46-50, M
They already are sowing the seeds - they know trump is going down in flames.
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