@RockerDad its the name fiden earned when his daughters diary diclosed that he showered with her when she was a teenager. Diary was authentivated by fbi
@Patriot96 And yet, Ashli Biden publicly disavowed that. Meanwhile, the frequent flyer on the Lolita Express is on public record as saying this , or agreeing with it, about his daughter:
@Patriot96 it was also authenticated by Ashley Biden in court, she said something along the lines of how embarrassing it is that everyone knows her personal history now
@Patriot96 you don’t think Trump’s relationship with his daughter is super-creepy based on his numerous public statements about her over years ? Or how creepy he was with the girls in the Miss Teen USA pageant? While she wasn’t a minor, you don’t think his cheating on his wife with Stormy Daniels, during which he asked her to spank him with a rolled up copy of Forbes magazine that he was on the cover of is pretty pervy? Or his relationship with Jeffery Epstein and his wife?