@soar2newhighs DUUUDE!!! Nobody kneeled to George Floyd. We simply recognized that he was murdered in cold blood by a group of cops. It's funny the "choose life" party is so cavalier about murder.
Trump's "miraculous" economy was just a continuation of Obama's with higher deficits. Don't believe me? Let's play
!!! Spot the Trump Miracle !!!
Here's ten years of job creation data. Ignore the drop of 22 million jobs when the pandemic started and concentrate on how job creation changed starting in Dec 2017 when Trump introduced his trillion dollar tax cut.
Do you see a "Trump miracle"? Do you see any change in jobs? Do you see any difference whatsoever between job creation rates under Obama and Trump? I surely don't.
Here's monthly rate of job growth in thousands; it's effectively the derivative of the above; it would show any changes in rate of job growth if changes had occurred. See any "Trump miracle"? Me neither!
Anyway, my biggest objection to Trump is how badly he botched our covid response.
All through Trump's term, our Covid per capita death rate was DOUBLE that of countries like Canada & Germany, resulting in about 550,000 Covid deaths under Trump.
If Trump had handled Covid as well as, say, Justin Trudeau, we'd have had 275,000 FEWER DEATHS! Put another way, Trump's mis-management of Covid cost more deaths than THREE Viet Nam wars!! Three Viet Nams in a SINGLE YEAR, not spread out over ten years like the actual war!!!
Sure, Covid came from outside. And different leaders in different countries managed it differently. Trump's piss-poor Covid management is made clear by the relative per capita death rates.
"I look at it this way," Birx told CNN's Chief Medical Correspondent Sanjay Gupta. "The first time, we have an excuse. There were about 100,000 deaths that came from that original surge. All of the rest of them, in my mind, could have been mitigated or decreased substantially."
@ElwoodBlues They knelt and paid homage to a man who had a criminal history. He might still be alive if he hadn’t had the drugs in his system that he had. And the kneeling bit was a political theater for photo ops.
@soar2newhighs Your history is all wrong. Colin Kaepernick and other football players began kneeling for the anthem in 2016. That's why Trump made a big deal out of it in the 2016 campaign. George Floyd was murdered in 2020. Your history is off by four years.
@ElwoodBlues I disagree that Floyd was “ murdered” though that fit a narrative. Sadly he was a criminal and a drug user. It caught up with him. And that was a political theater stunt by the party of panderers aka democrats.