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Veterans Who Knew Walz Tear Him Apart: ‘Military Impersonator,’ ‘Habitual Liar,’ ‘Coward,’ And Worse

Four veterans who knew Governor Tim Walz (D-MN) spoke about about his service in the National Guard — and his subsequent claims about that service — during an interview with podcast host Megyn Kelly that was released on Monday.

The four spoke with Kelly about the multiple controversies surrounding Walz’s own characterizations of his 24 years of service, from his claim that he retired without knowing that his unit was set to deploy to Iraq to his repeated statements about “retiring as a Command Sergeant Major,” and they had very few positive things to say about the man now vying for the vice presidency alongside Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris.

In a brief preview of the episode, they could be heard referring to Walz as a “habitual liar,” a “coward,” and “morally indefensible.”

One of the four accused Walz of using his exaggerations and embellishments to make it “all about him,” and another simply referred to him as a “military impersonator.”

“He’s a habitual liar, he lies about everything. He lies about stuff that doesn’t make sense,” one said. “You’re taking a piece of their thunder, and you’re trying to capture it and put it in a bottle for yourself, and use that for your own benefit.”

Fear is a reaction. Bravery is a decision,” he said later on in the episode, arguing that at every possible juncture, Walz had made the wrong choice.

During one part of the episode, Kelly compiled a series of clips in which Walz either introduced himself as a “retired Command Sergeant Major” — or someone else introduced him as such and he made no move to correct them — in spite of the fact that he only held that rank conditionally and for a brief period not extending to his retirement.

“So he ‘misspoke’ a lot,'” Kelly said as the clips finished playing. “And just so the record’s clear, September 2005, Minnesota National Guard discovered that his paperwork had been filed — was erroneous — saying he was retiring as a Command Sergeant Major, and they updated it to show that he was retiring as an E-8 Master Sergeant.”

Kelly concluded the segment by pointing out the fact that every clip she’d played of Walz claiming to have retired as a Command Sergeant Major had been recorded after September of 2005, when that correction had been made: “He knew he had been demoted.”

Broache73 · 46-50, F
Mr. Walz, was a Army Veteran and the rare Gun-toting Democrat who spoke of his love for Hunting and fluffed up his Military Service to curry favor, speaking charitably.

After his first Campaign for Governor in 2018, Mr. Walz's Record and Fangs really came out!

He began supporting tighter Firearm restrictions. Shortly after a teenage Gunman opened fire at a Florida High School in February 2018, Mr. Walz spoke out in favor of an Assault Weapons Ban.

During that campaign, Mr. Walz celebrated that the N.R.A. had downgraded him to an “F” rating. And as Governor, he has signed into Law a handful of Gun Control measures, including one that went into effect on Thursday increasing penaltiesfor acquiring a Weapon on behalf of someone who is not eligible to own a Firearm.

In 2023,Mr. Walz signed Legislation giving Law Enforcement Officials broader tools to remove Weapons from those who are deemed to pose a risk to themselves and others. The Law also expanded Background Checks for Weapon sales.”

One of the absolutely worst programs is mutilating young people to fake Gender Alteration Surgery. The program includes both Surgical interventions and so-called “puberty blockers.” Parents aren’t allowed to intervene. Here is a description of this Vile program: “Walz, 60, a former High School Teacher, signed the so-called “Trans Refuge” Bill into Law in April 2023, prohibiting the Enforcement of Out-of-State Subpoenas, Arrest warrants and extradition requests for people who travel to the North Star State from other States for Gender-affirming Care.

A month earlier, Tim Walz signed an Executive Order protecting Gender-affirming Care in Minnesota, including Puberty blockers, Surgeries and Hormone Therapy. The move came after a slew of Red States had imposed a seriesof restrictions on those interventions. ‘In this State, Hate has no home,’ Walz said during a signing ceremony. ‘In this State, love and acceptance is what we preach.’ The Governor signed that Order next toa 12-year-old Trans Girl, Hildie Edwards. Last year, Walz also signed an Education Finance Bill that featured language stipulating that all Public and Charter Schools in the State ‘must provide students with access to Menstrual products at no charge’ for grades 4 to 12 and that they “must be available to all menstruating students.” Those products or other similar products used in connection with the Menstrual Cycle ”.

It isn’t enough that the so called “Progressives" want to destroy the distinction between Men and Women. They are “Environmentalists,” who would destroy the US Economy in order to “Green” it. They promulgate the “Climate Change ” agenda to do this.

Gina McCarthy, Biden’s former Environmental Protection Agency Administrator, said in a statement. “He gets that Climate action isn’t about Politics, it’s about protecting our Small Towns and Cities. It’s about creating safer and healthier Communities for our Kids and Grandkids to grow up in.” Walz helped pass Legislation requiring Minnesota to transition to100 percent Carbon-free Electricity by 2040, his Administration adopted stricter Vehicle Emissions standardsfor the State and he signed into Law several permitting Reform provisionsthat supporters say will allow the State to build out Clean Energy far more quickly.

As a Congressman, Walz voted against two resolutions aimed at blocking then-President Barack Obama’s Clean Power Plan, a rule aimed at curbing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the Nation's Power Plants.

Walz is pathetic on Immigration, wanting to reward Illegal immigrants by giving them a ‘Path to Citizenship’ and to provide costly Aid Programs for Legal Immigrants: He signed Bills that provided Health Insurance coverage regardless of Immigration status and made undocumented Immigrants eligible for State Driver's Licenses. Also allowed the State’s nearly 81,000 undocumented Immigrants to receive Free Tuition at a State University. In 2021 he urged Congress to prioritize creating a pathway to Citizenship for undocumented Immigrants, including ‘Dreamers’ brought to the US as Children, essential workers, Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holders, and their families.”

This is his Brain on Drugs, Any Questions??!!
Potential VP to the highest office in the land guzzles horse jizz in his down time.
I’m living in a Monty python skit.

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