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Is France Or England Turning Nazis Faster?

Macron's government seemed to of leapfrogged the UK in destroying free speech by arresting the CEO of Telegram. It's the only independent messaging app in russia and several other dictatorships where people can talk freely.

UK has been turning it's back on free speech, reminiscent of Hitler's reich, arresting people for merely speaking. Macron appears to be in the process of deny human rights of free speech to millions, a charge worthy of swinging from the noose in the hague. If telegram can't operate, how many people will be exposed to government oppression and killed? Macron needs to be immediately arrested, have a Hannibal Lecter face mask put on him, and kept in isolation so he can't harm anyone else, and be declared a enemy of the human race, damned for all eternity. The sick bastard has no right to mess around with the free speech of the oppressed, putting so many lives and freedom movements at risk.
Richard65 · M
The UK isn't arresting people for merely speaking, they're arresting individuals who urged people to attack specific hotels and set fire to them, which they then did. They set fire to hotels with people still in them. That's attempted murder, for which they received sentences of about two years, when attempted murder can actually get you life in jail. Their sentences were pretty lenient, if you ask me.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
UK has been turning it's back on free speech, reminiscent of Hitler's reich, arresting people for merely speaking.

Nobody has been arrested merely for speaking. A small number of individuals have been arrested for inciting racial and religious hatred by publishing or circulating politically-motivated lies online.
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout You should read up on Timycha the Pythagorean. She was the last one to survive the Tyrant Dionysius of Syracuse, refusing to explain to him why the rest of the Pythagoreans in her group refused to trample on bean plants, preferring to die instead. She bit her tongue off while heavily pregnant, so he couldn't torture the secret why.

This story was later added to the biographies of a few other philosophers, but her's is the earliest dated I could find. That's some woman.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
The UK arresting people for n
Merely speaking?

What do you mean by that, specifically?
Richard65 · M
@Burnley123 I must say this worries me....
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@Burnley123 Ignorant much?
Aysel · F
Monsieur, il a été agressé par son professeur d'école, cela ne devrait-il pas vous dire pourquoi il agit comme un fou.
Elessar · 26-30, M
The right: «ThE LeFt CaLlS EvErYoNe ThEy DoN't LiKe NaZiS1!!1111!!!1»

Also the right:
Elessar · 26-30, M
That said, I get the criticism and even agree with the point that the platform shouldn't be liable for the content the users exchange on it, so long as reporting and moderation exist.

In Telegram's case, reporting is a thing but that leads almost always to absolutely zero action being taken.

But let's not pretend the right would be any different in this regards (see what a joke "freedom of speech" is on "X"). And either way, the comparison with nazism/fascism is absolutely moot because in that case the censorship was against criticism at the regime, here the "attempt to censor" (if we want to call it like that) is because the platform refuses to take action on objectively illegal stuff (CP, terrorism and such).
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
Why was he arrested though? What was the reason given?

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