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Will the unrest in the UK spread to more countries in Europe?

After all, most western Europe are facing the same insecurity issues.
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Every western countries citizens wants less migration.
Housing is near crisis point.
What do their elected officials give them? More immigration, and a stern scolding and labeling if they grip about it..

Something gotta give
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout a conservative minority in every Western country wants less freedom of migration.
gol979 · 41-45, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout yeah, if you think like that then go and protest outside government buildings. But nah, we will focus on the group that the gov/press is telling us to hate. Its like watching the "just stop oil" lot but on steroids and with a little more validity
Adrift · 61-69, F
Poor leadership = civil unrest.
Seems to be a problem worldwide.
It's already everywhere, there. Since murka crashed the markets in 2008. Your poverty was unbelievable, but this crash, people believe.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Mainland Europe lost its taste for violence over 50 years ago. They all now have adopted the French war strategy.
I doubt it. There may be similar unrest at times and for similar reasons but it won't be directly connected or as a result of what's going on in the UK.
The press is still trying to link all this violence and rioting to the killing of the three little girls and serious injuries of the survivors in Southport. It's totally false. It's an excuse used by the far right and fascist trouble makers just itching for a scrap.
@SW-User I said that it started in Southport, which it did, purely on the basis of the timeline of events. I don't believe that the Southport incident is in any way a legitimate reason for any of this. I also don't believe that Tommy Robinson, nor Nigel Farage, are solely responsible either. I think that looking to the far right as the reason behind all of this is missing the extent of the problem. The far right in the UK have relatively small numbers and have not had much influence for years. Of course they will get involved, but then extremists often infiltrate protests as well as starting then. There were extremist elements in the pro palestine marches and in the BLM protests, but they were not the whole story.

The fringe elements represent sporadic risks but rarely more than that. It is when those in the middle ground drift towards the extremes that problems become much bigger. It's also not enough to blame misinformation and indoctrination. If politicians want to fix this then they will need to do more than just put a label on it and hope it goes away. They slept on Brexit happening, they don't need to be sleeping on this too.
@UBotMate i saw some of the comments made during the rioting in Sunderland. Comments like "We have Police protecting Sharia" "Send the" muzzies"home and "Time to fight for England" are some of the more repeatable comments I saw on the newsfeed I was on at the time. The poibt is that we have a radicalised right wing after the effects of half truths and outright lies in the press and dog whistling politicians that has been going on for as long as I remember and more than likely, longer than that.
@autumngirl27 Were these the comments of the press themselves or of people that they were reporting on? I didn't see any mainstream media outlets printing anything other than narratives around the far right. We know the the public will have extreme views at times but the press have actually been very unified in their commentary from what I've seen. I was even shocked by some of it being so moderate considering the outlets.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
All of Europe should be looking at Bangladesh and what is happening to the Hindu minority there.
It's all orchestrated. They will sort everything and everyone out real soon after the storm clears
Northerner · 70-79, M
@vic7ory not this time.
@Northerner order out of chaos, may not be according to your expectations but there will be nontheless
No, it will remain in the UK.
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eMortal · M
@sree251 You seem very interested in the far right ideologies in US, UK and Australia. Are you a Russian agent?
sree251 · 41-45, M
You seem very interested in the far right ideologies in US, UK and Australia. Are you a Russian agent?

Here in the US, both left and right support war and killing. I don't. I follow the Ten Commandments. Is that a far right ideology?

What is a Russian agent?

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