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If this is what we call extremism now

Then we need another word for what we have been calling extremism.
Carla · 61-69, F
I know! And the abhorrent language she uses! I don't even want to type it out loud...
Shhh...🤫she's calling the republicans...weird😲
Carla · 61-69, F
@Illyria i know. Apt though.

It's all typical, adolescent, antigonist behavior.
They can dish it....etc
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
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MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Extremism exposed is being a Senator of state that has its energy grid shut down in the dead of winter and he goes off Mexico for fun-in-the-sun and then when asked about it, hauls back to his stone-cold state and said he was just "trying to be a good dad to his daughters" by taking them on a much deserved vacation only to find out his wife, who he never really defended after being called ugly by Insurrectionist-Cry-Baby-trump, was the one who wanted to go to on the trip and the kids were just convenient props. EXPOSED.
Carla · 61-69, F
@MarkPaul extremism is voting for that guy. There is far more wrong with him than that little trip across the border.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@Carla Yeah, but you can't deny he was just "trying to be a good dad."
Carla · 61-69, F
@MarkPaul oh, for sure.
Bummer when you're caught and feel caught, just being a good dad. An obedient husband too. All around great guy.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
Trump says Ted Cruz’s dad killed JFK. That would make his dad an extremist, no?
Northwest · M
Seriously, we're already sold, they don't need to keep reminding us of why we should vote for her. 🤣
Pretzel · 61-69, M
The next thing you know we will have rampant jaywalking!!!Stop the insanity!!!
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
It's a sign of their own extremism that they do this.

On one hand, it's psychological projection. On the other, it's to path the way for a further right turn in American politics. If 'they' are extremist the executive unitary theory makes sense to 'restore normality.'

The Project 2025 website talks about how America has been ruined by the 'radical left,' (they mean Biden. That says a LOT about them.
Illyria · M
It's so funny! I've never seen either party in a MELTDOWN that even approaches what the GOP are having!!😂
Aami1 · 26-30, F
With the way that word has been used these last few years, like with a lot of things, it can now mean whatever you want. Just like ‘narcissist’, ‘racist’.
She wants to decriminalize marijuana. I want all drugs to be legal, I could just imagine what the Zodiac Killer would say about me.
This is Fox, which moved to the Fringe Right w/the former Republican Party, which is now an asylum.
popmol · 26-30, M
she pretty much stabbed someone on the street for fun! its pretty much the same thing!
At this point it has lost all meaning.
Elessar · 26-30, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow That's the whole point. Use words like "coup", "extremism", "far (right/left)" improperly so that when they're actually doing it and accused with the same terms they'll play the "BoTh SiDeS Do It" card
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thisguy20 · 41-45, M
faux (not) news calling someone and "extremist": wow...
Bumbles · 51-55, M
Sounds good to me.

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