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Lefties Losing It

On Sky News Australia. This one is about the nightmare known as Kamala.


Well Democrats, THIS is what you wanted! Enjoy! 😂🤣
windinhishair · 61-69, M
Is this what is being reported in Australia? Wow. Harris has so much support that she is raising records amounts of money, most of it from small, first time donors. And Trump is petrified of her. She'll have my vote and the votes of a large majority of Americans.
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@windinhishair The same can be said about most US presidents. A very large percentage of people who are eligible to vote, don't bother voting.
And no, there is no "cult" surrounding Mr. President Trump. You must be thinking of Elon Musk.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Bellatrix2024 You're correct that a large number of people do not vote, but that's not the point. Among people who DO vote, Trump has always been in the minority. He lost by 2.8 million votes in 2016 and 7.2 million in 2020. He will lose the popular vote this time as well. In fact, while he was president, he was the only president in many generations to never have the support of even half of the country at any time. He has rabid Cult support in the US, and apparently in Australia as well.
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newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
Sky News Australia is the aussie equivalent of Fox News, is as juvenile and superficial as Fox, and should be disregarded by thinking adults.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
Have you watched either recently

Yes - although both quickly reach my limit for having my intelligence insulted 😀
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@newjaninev2 So no, you haven't. Typical.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@Bellatrix2024 Haven't what?
Daviszabecki · 56-60, M
Mrs Harris is by far not an ideal candidate, but if this is all her political opponents can come up with, then I guess she’ll be just fine.
Imagine, if you will, the absolutely mind blowing compilation of clips one could make of mr Trumps incoherent ramblings….
The choice is easy.
Daviszabecki · 56-60, M
@Bellatrix2024 perhaps you will excuse me for my, evidently premature, assumption that you weren’t that into arguments, since you didn’t present any. But fair enough, I hear you.
My second point was that mr Trump is far more incoherent than mrs Harris. And honestly I think most people who already haven’t made up their minds would agree.
Even if I don’t agree, I can see that mr Trump may seem like a man of will, of determination and that he is a ‘doer’. Fine. Believe that all you want. But for crying out loud — don’t try to say that he isn’t just rambling at his rallies! He is just unable to put words together making them into a logical line of thought.
I’m ready to say that mrs Harris is far from the ideal candidate. She has changed her mind too often for that.
But laughing too much? And that complaint is coming from one woman regarding another? A man laughing is fun — a woman laughing isn’t trustworthy. Classic misogyny.
@Bellatrix2024 Thanks for demonstrating that you know NOTHING about Mrs Harris!!

Most of what Ms Harris says is highly coherent; it's easy to clip out a few phrases here and there out of context to make someone sound silly. Here's a recent speech of hers; I linked it to start after all the intros. Nothing special about this speech, but no teleprompters, off the cuff. Notice the full sentences. Notices the ability to stay on topic. Notice the clarity and fluidity.

Tell the truth, @Bellatrix2024, you've never listened to a whole speech by Kamala. Do you have the guts to do it now??


At the very least, you should jump ahead to the ten minute mark where she talks about her experience as a courtroom prosecutor.

whether or not they can be trusted, and whether or not they have good, traditional values.

Let's blow right past whether or not Trump can be trusted because i know MAGA will cry conspiracy and lies to ignore any criticism on that front......what about Trump's documented behaviour would you consider representative of "traditional" values?
Making up silly nick names for political opponents?
Insulting the wives of political opponents?
Laughing at Paul Pelosi getting attacked in his home and wounded?
The many wives?
Cheating on every one of them?
Bragging about how he gropes women?
Saying how hot his own daughter is and that he'd date her?

When was the last time she said something that was even coherent? When does she ever stop laughing?

Well she's not rambling about the merits of death by shark attack vs electrocution and she doesn't keep bringing up "the late, great" Hannibal Lector, so that's nice🤣

Pro tip: When you're coming after the fact that the woman laughs, you know you're grasping at straws.
And even as the faithful little MAGA acolytes are taking up this desperate and frankly embarrassing talking point, the Trump campaign is 👏 PA 👏 NICK 👏 ING because they built their entire strategy on telling everyone how old Biden is.

Be real: The "coherency" angle made sense when it was Trump vs Biden. With Trump vs Harris, Trump is on the losing side of that criticism. He's not the man he was in 2016. He's old and no one can deny that he is starting to decline mentally even if the fire is still there.
Sorry, not sorry for the reality check 🤷‍♀️
Here's a little info about US government that maybe you folks 'down under' are unaware of.

The US government has no "czars." Non at all. "Czar" is not an official title; just something useful to headline writers.

What we have, in the executive branch answering to the President, are Cabinet Secretaries. Who must be voted on and approved by the Senate. The Cabinet Secretary of Homeland Security is named Alejandro Mayorkas. And HIS portfolio includes the borders.

And republicans in Washington know this pretty well because - maybe you folks 'down under' don't know this - in April of this year republicans tried to IMPEACH Secretary Mayorkas for his handling of the border!

That's right!! In the halls of Congress, republicans mounted an impeachment effort targeting the guy in charge of the border just three months ago!!

So it's really playing games with the ignorant to turn around and claim "hey we didn't really know about the border when we impeached Mayorkas." It's silly to say "hey, we read that org chart wrong!!"

Low-information Trump cult members can easily be fooled, but most of us remember that impeachment effort.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
Sky Australia is Murdoch owned and every bit a rightwing and disingenuous as Fox News.

On another thread, you told me that the great replacement theory is a fact.

I'm just letting everyone know what your politics are, in case you think you can keep up the neutral pretence.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@Bellatrix2024 Yes, I think that Rupert Murdoch is rightwing. So do most people, including Rupert Murdoch.
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@Burnley123 Yeah, nah.
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lol well you got her there🤣
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@Pikachu LOL, no, he didn't 🤣

lol yeah, he did. You may not like to hear it but in many ways, MAGA acts like a cult or at the very least a religion with Trump as the spiritual leader.

I mean...did you forget the literal golden idol they made in the image of Trump?

So yeah, yeah he did you get you on that one. 🤣
I think she’s perfect 🤩 for president of the USA . 🙌
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@Bellatrix2024 And now you think supporting a serial groper and sex pest is something funny. Okay.
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Rita’s gold value..
rowan dean is also good
eMortal · M
You're too young to have that kind of mindset. I suspect a catfish.
496sbc · 36-40, M
The news gal Is so beautiful
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@Pfuzylogic He looks good in pink.
Pfuzylogic · M
That would make him a femininomenon!

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