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Vice President Takes Aim at ‘Extremist’ Republican Policies on Education and Gun Safety

Vice President Kamala Harris took aim at Republican policies while addressing members of the American Federation of Teachers at their convention.

Speaking to the crowd, Harris postured that Republicans “Have the nerve to tell teachers to strap on a gun in the classroom, while they refused to pass common-sense gun safety laws.”

She continued, “And while you teach students about our nation’s past, these extremists attack the freedom to learn and acknowledge our nation’s true and full history, including book bans –Book bans in this year of Our Lord 2024.”

In the speech, which took place at the American Federation of Teachers convention, Harris contrasted Democratic and Republican priorities, saying: “Our administration seeks to restrict access to certain firearms, while our opponents focus on limiting access to literature.”

The literature that Harris is referring to includes books sexually explicit books inappropriate for children, such as “Gender Queer” by Maia Kobabe and “Lawn Boy” by Jonathan Evison.

The book “Gender Queer” made waves throughout the political commentary sphere due to the graphic nature of the book’s contents. Featured in the book, numerous pages were dedicated to oral sex, gay sex, and other materials inappropriate for children.

These are examples of books that have been the subject of recent controversies and attempts at removal from school libraries due to their inappropriateness for children.

“All the while, these extremists also attack the freedom to love who you love openly, and with pride, they passed so-called ‘don’t say gay’ laws,” she stated, seemingly referring to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ incorrectly dubbed “Don’t Say Gay” bill.

The bill, Senate Bill 1834 “Parental Rights in Education” has been attacked by Democrats and progressives. The bill passed in the state senate in early 2022 by a 12-8 vote.

Regarding the bill, Florida Rep. Joe Harding stated that “Creating boundaries at an early age of what is appropriate in our schools, when we are funding our schools, is not hate,” contradicting claims by activists opposed to the bill. “It’s actually providing boundaries, and it’s fair to our teachers and our school districts to know what we expect.”
They can’t run on policy..
it’s wall to wall insults now
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