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Newsweek is peddling lies

Trying to say Trump was not shot
Northwest · M
During his testimony FBI Director Wray was asked about the 8 shots that were fired by the murderer. He also asked about the first bullet that hit Trump.

He responded that they're not certain if the bullet grazed his ear, or if it's something else that caused the injury.

Newsweek is not lying, it is reporting.

Initially, the Associated Press reported within minutes of the shooting, that a fragment of the plexiglass telemprompter, grazed Trump's ear.

Still close enough to have killed him.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
There is question of whether he was hit by a bullet or shrapnel - but in my mind who cares. He was shot at and was injured.
AndysAttic · 56-60, M
Well he was injured by an aggressive action, who cares if it was a bullet or otherwise. Is it much more 'honourable' if it was a bullet? Bullets and Shrapnel do not care...What the f does it matter.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@AndysAttic Even if he wasn't injured, doesn't matter. Someone was shooting at him, and to downplay that is troubling. I have heard bullets buzz by my ear before. I am guessing it was to scare me off, but nonetheless a big deal even if I wasn't hit.
Guardian · 56-60, M
He was not shot! He was hit by a piece of glass!
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