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Kamala Harris Is Doing Pretty Bad With The Youth Vote (Bad News Bears)


That's from CNN. First time I've tried posting a twitter link, have two screen shots if that doesn't work.

Due to Disaster Politics on the Left, Democrats and Republicans are now tied for the youth vote, which Democrats traditionally dominated for decades. Kamala is barely doing better than Biden was.
I didn't bother watching your videos so I don't know their dates; I prefer to read articles. And this article says the opposite!
Based on data taken July 22 and 23; 18-34yr olds
47% Harris vs 43% Trump
42% Biden vs 49% Trump

Could be your video clips are outdated; I dunno.
CNN is in the bag for Trump because it's now owned by a conservative. It's also too soon to tell as none of the polls taken when Biden was a candidate four days ago apply anymore, so latching onto one poll conducted over the past few days isn't meaningful. Come back after the convention and we'll see how Harris is doing.
@LeopoldBloom the process is only democratic if voting is involved. Why is this suddenly forgotten on this forum? Is Eritrea now a Democracy too?
@Motzu The US didn't select candidates by primary election until 1972. Most other countries don't have primaries; the candidates are selected by the party leadership. Don't worry, we will all get to vote in the general election.

I swear, you people are more upset about this than we are. Haven't you heard "vote blue no matter who?" And it's not like any of you voted for JD Vance. Shouldn't Trump have announced his VP choice a year ago? We all knew that Harris was going to be Biden's VP in his second term.

Also, the process was democratic. The politicians who called for Biden to step down were responding to their constituents.
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When BLM call you out as anti democratic scuzballs for denying voters the chance to pick the rep..

You’re toast
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Good luck to you if you really think that's going to happen. Unless you're talking about Trump being toast 😂
@SW-User they literally went public yesturday..

Look. Good luck to you in November with Kamala.. 🥰👍
GlitterEater · 36-40, F
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Didn’t you ignore them when they said it about conservatives or did you also think that meant Republicans were toast?
I see the opposite here

@SW-User You are not in America so it is easy to see the opposite.
@Motzu Doesn't make the reporting any less true.
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windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Tksem Do you think young people always make good decisions? We know that not to be the case, because some of them turn into Trump Cultists, and the poor decisionmaking lasts for life.

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