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The TRUTH about the Heritage Foundation

Heritage’s mission is to formulate and promote public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.
Heritage’s world-renowned experts—deeply experienced in business, government, the military, nonprofits, academia, and communications—spend each day developing innovative solutions to the issues America faces. From empowering parents in education, reversing growing spending and inflation, and protecting the unborn, to securing America’s borders, countering the threat of Communist China, holding Big Tech accountable, and ensuring free and fair elections—Heritage is on the front lines in the fight to help Americans thrive.

Our team then takes those solutions directly to decision makers in government, to turn ideas into action. Heritage has been consistently ranked the No. 1 think tank in the world for it.

But we don’t stop there. We also: communicate to citizens how government can work more effectively for all Americans, through traditional media and social media platforms; engage with the international community to promote freedom, peace, and trade that benefits America and the world; train the leaders of tomorrow who will lead America to a brighter future; an help unite the conservatives around principles and ideas that strengthen our cause … and the nation.

You might find this interesting as well, from a source that hasn't always been kind to Heritage.

The Heritage Foundation was founded on February 16, 1973, during the Nixon administration by Paul Weyrich, Edwin Feulner, and Joseph Coors.[11][12][13] Growing out of the new business activist movement inspired by the Powell Memorandum,[14][15] discontent with Richard Nixon's embrace of the liberal consensus, and the nonpolemical, cautious nature of existing think tanks,[16] Weyrich and Feulner sought to create a conservative version of the Brookings Institution that advanced conservative policies.[11

There was the Brookings Institution (which is clearly a LEFT WING think tank.)
But take a guess what else formed, due to the far left policies of Nixon.


In Dave Bergland's book, he maintains that NIxon's far left and economically disastrous policies were the final straw that caused the formation of the Libertarian Party.

Gee! William F. Buckley used to refer to himself at times as a libertarian.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
You should read Project 2025 and decide how much self praise is involved.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Reason10 oh sure Limbaugh is such a reliable source. Yes, of you look at raw tax, at the club animation of the taxes the wealthy pay in payroll taxes for their employees, etc., it may appear the rich pay more. Do you understand the reasons for aggravated tax system? The lowest income people are more effected by taxes then the rich. The amount of discretionary income they have placed them into a difficult situation
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Short Version:

Reason10 · 61-69, M

Seig Heil,creep.
justanothername · 51-55, M
Republicans be getting worried about now. They were expecting to do battle with Joe but they got caught on the hop when he dropped out and Kamala stepped up to the plate.
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Reason10 · 61-69, M
@justanothername Kamala will be an easier target than Unelected Joe. She has a record that she can't defend, and she won't be able to laugh her way out of it.
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akindheart · 61-69, F
Trump isn't backing Project 25 either
Illyria · M
@akindheart If you believe that then I have a bridge to sell you.

akindheart · 61-69, F
@Illyria oh brother. i read that and it is blatantly full of BS and a liberal rag. sorry you didn't prove your case. That is like me saying the Lincoln Project is supported by Biden.

in case you think i didn't read it, here is the first lie.

it’s worth remembering that Donald Trump’s incessant falsehoods and self-proclaimed desire to be a dictator on Day 1 make him far more unfit for the presidency.
Illyria · M
@akindheart so in other words, you don’t like what it says, so you call it BS
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
Please show us the evidence for your statement that: "Our team then takes those solutions directly to decision makers in government, to turn ideas into action."

You posted it, so you must support it.
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
The Heritage Foundation used to be a lot more libertarian, that is true. But they've been largely co-opted by the MAGA movement which is definitely not libertarian. At least not on social policies.
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