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What concerns you most about the coming November Election?!

Broache73 · 46-50, F
If you want to understand any problem in the United States, understand who stands to profit from the problem not who suffers the consequences...

Yet again, I've made the point earlier and preceding 2024, I think this 2024 Roll of the Dice is about talking with the American Public, Taxpayers, and Consumers, and being honest with them.

It's time we got past the gutless, Happy Face approach to Education, Healthcare, Economics, Monetary Policy, etc. that doesn't want to admit the truth.We're not slouching toward Gomorrah; we've crashed and burned into Gommorah. If we don't do something, we will have lost the Moral foundations that sustain our Liberty and Freedom. We need Real Candidates who aren't so interested in pandering for your Votes, that they're unwilling to look you in the eye and speak the unvarnished truth.

The question of the last several years hasn't been about Bill Clinton's, Baby Bush's, Barack Obama's, Donald Trump's, or Genocide Joe Biden's character, the Government's character or Leaders' character, it's about YOUR CHARACTER as American Voters and Taxpayers about how much longer you're going to tolerate the destruction of every decent principle of American Life, starting with the principle that ought to guarantee the life of our children and grandchildren.When are you going to wake the Hell up?! When are you going to care enough about our future to stop listening to all these selfish appeals and start acting like the Citizenry you're supposed to and meant to be?!Caring about the Country's future and about our Constitutional Right to our Posterity, not just about yourself.

The American Public, Taxpayers, and Consumers who expect the US Government to solve their every need and problems are complicit and accomplices in their own throats being cut!
brian29715 · 46-50, M
@Broache73 very well said. The government has become too large and really can’t do anything but take money from the taxpayers.
Badjujubee · 46-50, F
If you want to understand any problem in the United States, understand who stands to profit from the problem not who suffers the consequences
I respect your use of logic 👍
TexChik · F
The democrats cheating again.
PatKirby · M

Count on it.
brian29715 · 46-50, M
@TexChik absolutely. Everyone knows they will cheat. It’s just a matter of how badly.
@brian29715 bank on it!
PatKirby · M
Interesting they will not give up power is the exact thing they accuse Trump of doing in 2020.
PatKirby · M

These guys are artists at accusing others at what they do themselves. What do they have a Secretary of Projection on the payroll?
@PatKirby it’s disgusting 🤢
Nothing. I've seen 13 presidents come and go. Most are dead and I'm still here. Not one has or ever will changed the way I live my life.
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
The Secret Service being in the hands of a DEI incompetent at the top.
@Thinkerbell that would be disastrous. 😢
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F

It almost was last week.
there wont be one.
they atagonise putin into ww3 or start a G soros civil war to suspend elections and call martial law.

no way they letting anybody near the ballot box now 🍿
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
what crisis the democrats will come up with next to try and stay in power...

another "variant", another war, etc.
@wildbill83 very true!
kodiac · 22-25, M
If they cheat again the sleeping giant will explode.
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nudistsueaz · 61-69, F
That Joe won't go away
@nudistsueaz I know. I still don’t believe they will give up the power. 😞
The rampant corruption. The fact that any Republican that loses will call the election rigged.
@Pitchblue cause it’s the truth?! Hmm
4 more years of Trump...
@NoGamesTolerated You're gone in the head...
@HootyTheNightOwl merci ami

Spoken like a true Dem… insults… insults us all they have! Have a wonderful night!
@NoGamesTolerated Hahaha... Jokes on you - I'm not even a Yank...
Nevertooold · 56-60, M
Trump winning!!!
@Nevertooold that should make you very happy… the happiest day of your life!
Nevertooold · 56-60, M
@NoGamesTolerated What should make me happy?
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
That someone will be elected.
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@PatKirby They will never give him a minutes rest. 😞
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@Dave1955 so vote the left out… easy fix

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