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Will trump change gun law if elected

Poll - Total Votes: 32
No way, Americans are too obsessed with guns
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I'm a Brit so don't understand the obsession
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Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M
No... we are not obsessed with guns... We are obsessed with our Constitutionally protected rights !
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badminton · 61-69, MVIP
@Snuffy1957 Americans can have any opinions they want and vote for any candidate they choose. And There is NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT.

We can either respect each others rights or we we can fight among ourselves and wreck our country. Which will it be?
Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M
I NEVER said We don't have the right to vote for anyone we want... we all have choices... I'm not into fighting amongst ourselves... I believe United we stand...
Don't jump to conclusions
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
The orginal purpose of the 2nd Amendment has been given a distorted interpretation by the gun lobby.

The original intent was that the states, when they joined the federal union, could keep their state militia. The gun lobby has turned that restricted interpretation into an unrestricted right for any and everyone to own any number of high-powered firearms.

The gun industry is a multi -billion $$$ business. Their profits are at the center of the gun issue. Their lobbyists fight any gun control legislaion from congress. As a result the U.S. has millions of guns in circulation. Every year in the U.S. thousands of people are killed and wounded by guns.
4meAndyou · F
The right to bear arms was included in our Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights was the first part of our Constitution to be written, and guarantees all citizens the right to own a gun, the right to worship as we please, and the right to the pursuit of happiness. Lots of other stuff in there...but rights are important! Especially when you LOSE them.

The Brits may only own guns if they have been grandfathered into various families who owned them before the UK outlawed gun ownership, if I am not mistaken. I think I saw something about it on Midsomer Murders on television.

Guns were used in the fledging United States by our Militia, to protect us from tyranny. And that right is precious to Americans because if our own government is ever led by a tyrant, our people enjoy believing that they could rebel against such tyranny.

Now, Biden likes to threaten the gun owners of Tennessee and other rural areas, who don't like tyranny, as our forefathers did not, and has said publicly that their guns would do absolutely no good during a carpet bombing by F15's, and mocked them...stating that THEY don't have F15's.

Guns are also used to hunt deer and elk, wild geese, and wild turkeys, and partridges. There are a lot of people here who rely on hunting for their meat consumption, ESPECIALLLY in Alaska. Some people there would starve if they couldn't hunt.

Now, to answer your question, (and sorry there was so much roundaboutation), Trump is not legally able to change our gun laws.

Because it is a basic right included in the Bill of Rights, a Constitutional Convention would have to be convened in order to change the Constitution.
GLITTER · 36-40, F
I’m a Brit. I can understand the need for them in the country where people have to protect themselves against wild animals. I don’t understand why anyone needs one in the cities and that’s where it’s fucked
Shadyglow · F
@GLITTER He will be if he snatches "it"

(speaking of the idea of some men grabbing things w/o permission)
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
@GLITTER The gun lobby fights any restrictions on guns. Gun laws would cut into their profits.
GLITTER · 36-40, F
@badminton Money is at the root of everything
the government wanting to take your gun.
is the number #1 reason to have a gun...
There's a really good chance that if Project 2025 happens, they'll ban guns. They'll pretend they don't want to, but there's so many Anti-Fascists with guns now, they have no choice.
@BohemianBabe That might be the ONLY good thing that happens to America if Project 2025 becomes a reality
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The left never let's a tragedy or near tragedy happen without pushing their political agenda. It's disgusting.
Shadyglow · F
excellent question. who knows?

I want him to lose so maybe people can start connecting "bullet points" and other numerous spots of truth....
"Biden and the Democrats". Band name going free for any group who wants one
@autumngirl27 Along with Donald and the Insurrectionists
JT123 · M
No, he won't blame the gun like democrats. He'll blame the hate filled slime who did it!
Shadyglow · F
@JT123 someone got him to do it. Hate filled motivations.

Sirhan didnt do "it" either for that matter/ neither did Oswald
No. It’s part of our bill of rights from the forefathers. Besides I know America would definitely fight in the streets and there would be great bloodshed over this. And I’m speaking as one who has no guns. 🙂
Nah, he'll sell more of his own Bibles to improve the quality of thoughts and prayers. 🥲
Yep!.. Everyone must now have 2x guns..
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@TheWildEcho I fixed that typo. Now your reply doesn't make any sense. Lol
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
@strictdadhusbandanduncleinpa neither does your original comment lol
Americans: The world wants to know what's happening in our country. And even if they don't we'll tell them, anyway.

Also, Americans: Don't you dare comment on what is happening in America!
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It's not an obsession, it's a right that is in the constitution that allows Americans to own guns with many states allowing you to use it to protect yourself and your property, using deadly force if necessary.

Out if the millions of him owners, there's a few that ruin it for everyone.

Keep in mind, in England, you can even be jailed for defending yourself against being attacked.
@aboveaverageaveragejoe The people who are against ANY form of gun control have an unhealthy obsession with guns. I think guns are awesome, but I support red flag laws.
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TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
@acpguy we have freedom. Freedom to walk about without being shot!!

Auf wiedersen
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@justanothername my first thought. He hired someone to "miss"
GLITTER · 36-40, F
@Justafantasy it’s so apparent this is a show
justanothername · 51-55, M
@Justafantasy The shooter didn’t miss, he was just inexperienced. I’m no deer hunter but I’d be interested to know what gun he was using.

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