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On Abortion, Democrats do NOT trust the Democratic Process

We all know Democrats are lazy, (as well as delusional.) Abortion is a prime example.

1. Roe was bad law. It was unconstitutional. Getting rid of it was the right thing. Sending the DEMOCRATIC decision to the states was the right thing.

2. Anti Democracy Democrats whined, bitched and moaned about that. Why would they do that? If Abortion is so popular, why wouldn't they trust the people of the states to vote for abortion on demand, right up to the moment of birth?

3. If the COUNTRY was pro-abortion, why couldn't the last few Democrat presidents (and their Democrat Congresses) come up with a bill that forced ALL states to allow abortion on demand, right up to the point of birth? Why couldn't Democrats trust the Democratic process? If they believed MOST OF THE COUNTRY agreed with them, why hasn't there been a bill from Congress and why hasn't a Democrat president signed it into law. That would have shut down the entire pro life movement.

windinhishair · 61-69, M
Roe v. Wade was constitutional by definition, because the Supreme Court determines constitutionality and they decided it was constitutional. And Dobbs is now constitutional until it is overturned when we have a Court that reflects American values and beliefs at some time in the future, instead of minority rule.

The reason no bill has been passed is that it would take 60 votes in the Senate, and neither party has had that kind of majority since the 1970s right after Roe was decided.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Reason10 Over 60% of the US population supports the right to choose in many or most circumstances, so your statement is, as usual, a lie. There was nothing to legislate. Roe was constitutional and settled law for 50 years.

The Court is indeed legislating from the bench to remove pesky previous rulings the Reich Wing dislikes. They will all be reversed in the future when the Court finally reflects real Americans and their values and not an extreme right-wing minority.

Roe was not based on Dred Scott. The analogy was made in a dissenting opinion by Justice Scalia in the ruling on Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey, but it makes little logical sense. You can read about it in more detail here:

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The U.S. Constitution never makes abortion illegal; and it was a process known to the Founders and authors of the Constitution. In fact, Ben Franklin gave instructions on at-home abortions in a book in the 1700s.
Because the Constitution doesn't make abortion illegal, it is therefore Constitutional.

Thus the Dobbs decision– suddenly ruling abortion unconstitutional – is a situation similar to prohibition. With prohibition, an activist court decided alcohol was "unconstitutional," and thus created a nation of scofflaws.
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Roe was constitutional.

And settled law.

And a set of candidates for the SCotUS said that & lied
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1) No, because it fell under right to privacy.

2) I'm in favor of states' rights, except for when it comes to human rights. Those should be enforced by the federal government. We all know damn well the Right would bring back slavery if they could.

3) True! Democrats haven't been great on abortion. But it's a binary choice, we only have two parties that actually win elections, and Democrats have been better than Republicans on this and every other issue.
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When given the chance to actually vote on the abortion issue, allowing a time limited abortion has won every time.
@Reason10 States like Florida and Texas didn't put it to a vote, the moronic governors decided and made it law in those and other states.
States like Ohio, which actually put it on the ballot and let the people decide, voted to allow abortion.

Also abortion isn't one of the issues I care all that much about.
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Do you believe in freedom?
@Reason10 Do you believe in freedom?
Reason10 · 61-69, M
@SomeMichGuy I'm a mainstream conservative Republican in this discussion.I'm the ONLY one who believes in freedom. You don't.
@Reason10 Yes, I do.

You don't want the Federal or State governments to tell you what to do about guns, but you like States telling people how to reproduce (far more invasive), how to believe (another freedom guaranteed in the Bill of Rights), and you probably support lies in education like those being used in FL, etc.
4meAndyou · F
Well, the Supreme Court has decided the issue. Now the States will decide. The end.
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