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THIS is the definition of Climate Change, the SCIENCE.

CLIMATE is defined as prevailing weather conditions in a specific area over a period of time.
the general weather conditions usually found in a particular place:

CLIMATE CHANGE would be defined as a CHANGE OF PREVAILING WEATHER PATTERNS in a specific area over a period of time.

For that to happen, it would have to SNOW in Key West, Florida, in July. There would have to be a year round monsoon in the Kalihari Region of Africa (a place with ZERO surface water.) There would have to be temperatures of 100 degrees in Alaska in January.

THAT would be climate change.

It is that simple.

If all you have is a bunch of idiotic graphs (written by computer nerds who use flawed computer models and do ZERO field research) you're an idiot.

Bottom line, the GLOBAL CLIMATE is the same as it was in the 1950s. We are kind of fortunate because the Ice Age (which pretty much separated human life from dinosaur life) occurred 11,700 years ago. That was the LAST global event that could have been defined as climate.

If you STILL want to believe in the Nazi politicians who include the CLIMATE CHANGE lie in pretty much every stump speech they make, if you want to pay that addition CARBON TAX on the energy that enables you to survive, if you don't care about being FORCED by government to drive an Electric Car, with a $20,000 battery that WILL explode at some point, causing you and your family to DIE in flames, you are dangerously STUPID.

Thank GOD most of America isn't that stupid.
Northwest · M
Capitalizing words, is no substitute for understanding of climate science, historical data, computer modeling, or how the computer nerds who made the computer, phone, or computing device you're using to copy/paste your message into.

In other words, you're still clueless.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@Northwest As a conservative, I believe the earth is warming slightly. I also believe that
the climate has consistently changed since the beginning of time. It has been much
colder, and much warmer. The one thing that is new, is the amount of video we have
showing deadly systems, also the amount of people affected by weather, since there
are far more people on the planet.

I do not however, believe that the government needs to spend Trillions of dollars
and bankrupt us into what they believe will change the climate. We are already
developing renewables at a high rate, we do not need to be fleeced by the
government. Although, if I were a Democrat politician, I may push for huge
government programs that I could invest in and make a shit load of money.
Northwest · M

As a conservative, I believe the earth is warming slightly.

Is this some sort of new branch of climate science?

I also believe that
the climate has consistently changed since the beginning of time.

I'm floored. Why didn't anyone figure this out? You would think, right?

It has been much
colder, and much warmer.

Again. Wow! I mean wow!

The one thing that is new, is the amount of video we have
showing deadly systems,

Yes, because up until the invention of the 24/7 media cycle, no one ever recorded anything.

also the amount of people affected by weather, since there
are far more people on the planet.

Not sure I follow. Is this purely numerical, or as a percentage of the people alive at the time?

I do not however, believe that the government needs to spend Trillions of dollars
and bankrupt us into what they believe will change the climate. We are already
developing renewables at a high rate, we do not need to be fleeced by the
government. Although, if I were a Democrat politician, I may push for huge
government programs that I could invest in and make a shit load of money.

Why do you think we're evolving renewable energy at t a record pace? Could it be because the government is setting the stage?

You should avoid tripping over your own dick, when making arguments.
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Reason10 · 61-69, M
@trollslayer The earth did not warm when Algore said it would. Florida is not under water. So the EnviroNazis needed a new source of fundraising.
All Climate Change is, a different term for the global warming hoax.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@Reason10 Al Gore is not a scientist
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Reason10 · 61-69, M
By the way, the greenhouse layer of our atmosphere (95 PERCENT OF WHICH IS WATER VAPOR) is the SOLE reason why the surface of the Earth does not resemble the surface of the moon.

The Global Warming liars have been exposed. The poles didn't melt. Florida is not under water. The Obamas actually moved into an ATLANTIC OCEANFRONT mansion, so they probably are not concerned about the waters rising.

Yes, it's hot as hell today. Perhaps that is because IT IS JULY.

(Oh, and those of you who do not have the education to understand the concept of using all caps to emphasize a point, we are all very thankful you aren't public school teachers.)
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Reason10 · 61-69, M
@SW-User Just based on facts.

I await the low information goose steppers and what they 'll have to say.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
Sounds like grasping at nothing, because you know you’ve lost the argument.
Reason10 · 61-69, M
@trollslayer I've never lost an argument here. I give only FACTS, and FACTS DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@Reason10 lol. Of course not…LOL!!!
DogMan · 61-69, M
Some people believe that we need to bankrupt the U.S. in order to make the
climate mild and beautiful. We will NEVER change the climate, but we COULD
bankrupt the U.S.
carpediem · 61-69, M
@DogMan If we stay on this tact, we WILL bankrupt the USA
DogMan · 61-69, M
@carpediem We just need to keep the Government out of it. The government has
no business sticking it's nose into this. We are developing renewables at a high rate,
we do not need government control. They will just fuck it up, and make everything
cost more than it needs to.
carpediem · 61-69, M
@DogMan 100% agree. Everything government gets involved with gets screwed up
DogMan · 61-69, M
Why do all Democrats still use petrol products on a daily basis? Are they unable
to live by example? Or are they just waiting for Republicans to do it first?
carpediem · 61-69, M
I don’t know….I think the climate changes always and has forever. Where I am sitting 11,000 years ago was a huge glacier. Apparently those nasty Mammoths started farting and caused that monster glacier to melt and create the Great Lakes. The nerve 🦣
carpediem · 61-69, M
@4meAndyou No Mammoths after 1901 🤷🏻‍♂️
4meAndyou · F
@carpediem Plenty of coal burning. They used it to run the factories, and for heat.
Adrift · 61-69, F
@carpediem Dinosaur farts will do it every time.
GrinNude · 61-69, C
Thank God most Americans, especially younger voters, understand that Climate Change is a very important issue for them and for future generations.

So Trump can keep calling Climate Change a hoax. And keep bragging about taking away women's rights. And keep losing elections. Lol Birdie
Reason10 · 61-69, M
@GrinNude Most Americans realize the Climate Change scam is just another excuse to force EVs on us and RAISE OUR ENERGY TAXES, while letting China continue to pollute the planet.


Humans are incapable of changing climate.

The Science is NOT on your side, goose stepper.
SingleBHM · 56-60, M
Right said! It's all a hoax!
For that to happen, it would have to SNOW in Key West, Florida, in July. There would have to be a year round monsoon in the Kalihari Region of Africa (a place with ZERO surface water.) There would have to be temperatures of 100 degrees in Alaska in January


A change doesn't have to be an inversion.

But we are already screwed, and I hope you are around to see the truth more clearly. We are already in the midst of it.
Reason10 · 61-69, M
@SomeMichGuy Excuse me, but you do not get to redefine the terms. A CHANGE IN CLIMATE is A CHANGE IN CLIMATE.

And climate is always LOCAL. There is no such thing as global climate.

You goose steppers lost the argument when the planet did not warm and melt the poles. Climate Change is nothing more than renaming global warming, which was proven to be a scam.

Change of climate?

Monsoons in the Sahara Desert. 110 degree temps in Siberia in January. Snow in Uganda and Key West in July.

Those are local climates. That is how they would have to change in order for your SCAM to be real.

Give it up. You have LOST the argument.
@Reason10 No, you don't get to make up your own definitions about what constitutes a change.

And the fact that the planet as a whole is warming is what is driving changes in the local climate experiences.
4meAndyou · F
I did read somewhere that the models used by the global climate change folks are way off kilter.
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Reason10 · 61-69, M
@4meAndyou Pretty much.

Seems like you can buy a scientist to say anything, these days.
4meAndyou · F
@Reason10 All you have to do is float him or her a $100.000.00 grant and possibly tenure, and they'll say absolutely anything. Look at the doctors who originally came out against the covid vaccine...THEY all got paid, and changed their tunes pretty quick.
GrinNude · 61-69, C
Ignoring science and pretending climate change is a hoax is the bigest scam. Looks like Trump prefers Fossil Fuel Lobby funding over the support of younger voters.

The Republican Party platform ignores Climate Change as 500k people in Houston are sweltering without power. What a scam that is. Ernie
DogMan · 61-69, M
@GrinNude The hoax isn't climate change, the hoax is believing that if we spend
trillions of dollars, we will change the climate and the weather. We are developing
renewable energy at a very fast rate. We do not need the government creating new
massive regulations, and bureaucracies, to pretend they are doing something.
This is already happening, without the government raising taxes, and spending
out of control.
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windinhishair · 61-69, M
@trollslayer It is trolling in the extreme, because even he doesn't believe what he is saying.
Reason10 · 61-69, M
@windinhishair Do yo
u really believe "dinosaur life" was just prior to 11,700 years ago?

Currently, we are in a warm interglacial that began about 11,000 years ago. The last period of glaciation, which is often informally called the “Ice Age,” peaked about 20,000 years ago. At that time, the world was on average probably about 10°F (5°C) colder than today, and locally as much as 40°F (22°C) colder.

And do you really believe that unless we have snow in Key West in July that we don't have climate change?
That is actually what a climate change is. Key West snow is just an example. The educated posters here figured it out.

In other words, even during the last ice age, it would not have snowed in Key West either. So according to your "definition" of climate change, there was no climate change during the last ice

I didn't mention Climate Change being part of an ICE AGE. I merely gave a flawless example of a REAL change in climate. Key West Snow in summer is a change in climate.

Seems like I"m having to explain this stuff to you over and over again. It's like you just can't seem to grasp how much you have been lied to.

So according to your "definition" of climate change, there was no climate change during the last ice age.

I gave three examples of climate changing. What happened 11,000 years ago is kinda irrelevant because we do not have a time machine.

According to the DEFINITION of CLIMATE, there hasn't been any changes since 11,000 years ago.

If you can produce proof that it SNOWED in the area known as Key West, or somehow monsoons completely drenched the Sahara Desert, or that there were sustain 110 temperatures in SIBERIA in January, (and I'm pretty sure your blue state public school barely prepared you to just be an adult) just admit you've lost the argument.

You're trying to change the subject. You should educate yourself. You're incredibly ignorant.
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DogMan · 61-69, M
@Kenworth4954 They will screech no matter what.
Kenworth4954 · 56-60, M
@DogMan true 🤣

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