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If Liberals Had A Majority On The Supreme Court

Kagan, Sotomayor and Brown would have had to support presidential immunity because 👇

if loretta lynch and merrick garland were on the supreme court. the constitution would have been fed thru a shredding machine by now.
they killed that scalise fella to replace him with a leftist nutjob...
@sunsporter1649 these ppl right?
They just threw bannon and Navarro in prison,
whilst they spin that this guy.. doing the exact same thing.. defying subpoenas..
Is righteous..

Something something, if they didn’t have double standards…

He’s in trouble when everyone sees the transcripts and hurs audio tapes are nothing alike
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F

Garland is beneath contempt. 🙄
Pretzel · 61-69, M
Wars are messy aren't they?

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