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The Old Man And The Con Man

This is how I feel about the debate. Trump lied his ass off. Biden struggled with his stutter, failed to call Trump on his lies, and was unable to finish some sentences.

Trump was able to finish his sentences, it was simply all lies.

So while Biden voters will still vote for him, the debate now shifted to whether a vote for Biden is now more like a vote for Kamala Harris.

Biden needed to convince his voters that he's going to survive the next 4 years. He failed.

Trump did not need to convince his voters he's not lying, and he did great there, lied his ass off, but it's not like that it matters to his people.

I'm hoping the DNC, and the Biden team, are sitting down, this minute, how to figure out how to ask Biden to step aside.
WalksWith · 56-60, F
I didn't need to see the debate to know what the outcome would be. Smelvis is a constant liar who believes his own lies.

President Biden is old and he stutters sometimes. They're both old.

TSF, couldn't answer questions posed to him, but answered questions that he made up.

TSF, stood up and looked strait at the camera and gaslit and lied through the whole debate on national tv.

The 'optics' looks like TSF had won. Biden was not in top form, that's a given, but his answers were clean, confidant, and honest.

I STILL STRONGLY support President Biden. He's had our backs, and I will keep watch over his back.

It's a shame that one bad performance by the president would make someone lose faith, when he has showed us how good of a leader he is.

Yeah, I'm embarrassed for President Biden, and if you listened instead of watch, he performed much better than the liar.

It's hard to debate a liar.
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WalksWith · 56-60, F

A US President should not have to debate a convicted criminal. That is the 1 thing I AM angry about, that a sitting US President has to debate the other party's nominee, who is a convicted criminal. That's unprecedented. What a shame. Kamala will do just fine. Joe knows what he's doing. I wouldn't be surprised if this was a setup ie: TSF saying all week that Joe's going to be "hopped up' Drugged up. President Biden has been in the business of politics for a very long time.

If the people of our country put TSF in as president...again... I can't even imagine it, but if he get's back in, well...we get what we deserve. Joe being aged and having elder moments. has nothing to do with it. As hard as it is, I have faith in us. I can't help it. I can't believe so many people have been brainwashed with acceptable hatred. I have faith we are not as stupid as TSF wants us to be. Those who know, know.
Northwest · M
A US President should not have to debate a convicted criminal.

That's on the Biden campaign team. On principle alone, I would say the voting public would have given him a pass for not wanting to debate a guy who skipped the traditional White House handover ceremony.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Shoving in a new candidate at the last minute is as much of path to defeat as the hand-wringing Democrats are crying themselves into the fantasy of pushing Biden aside (with sensitivity, of course). Biden's team performed horribly in pushing for the pageant-debate in the first place (not a Biden strength ever throughout his entire career), over-preparing him for a debate-style forum when he all he really needed was preparation to refute Cry-Baby-trump's lies, insisting on no audience and shut-off microphones creating too sterile of an environment for any speaker, and putting so much emphasis on podium placement. Additionally, the form of the event was downright stupid. The (usually respectable) moderators simply read their questions; there were no challenges to all the lies. CNN could have saved money and just projected the questions on a screen. The moderators did offer some added value by being subtle in reminding both candidates when they didn't answer the question, but that wasn't worth their salary expense.

So, now what should not be done... literally tossing Biden aside because he's no longer useful. Instead of the Biden team figuring out how get Biden to step aside, they need to reflect and critically analyze how incompetent they were and... AND... what they must do to better to elevate their already selected best candidate to advance the interests of the USA.

Biden (and his team) have a lot of repair work to do. The good news is Cry-Baby-trump isn't going anywhere either and he will provide plenty more lay-up shots for Biden to prove it's never too late recycle a loss into a win. And, in this case there really is no other viable option.
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Burnley123 · 41-45, M
If it's not too late already, this needs to happen quickly and decisively. It also needs to come from his own team. If an attempt to get him to stand down fails, then it does even more damage and give trump even more attack lines.

You were right when you said he should never have stood.
Northwest · M
@Burnley123 Technically, he needs to withdraw, and release his electors prior to the convention in August. I have nothing against his performance as President, but he needs to prove he's healthy enough to be in office for the next 4 years.

Trump did not win the debate, he won the performance. Every single claim he made was false, and he did not address ay of the key issues asked of him. He even denied he made the statements he factually made. However, when President Biden responds, in a halting voice, that people should look it up, that's not enough.

DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Not really the answer. The only option is totally unacceptable to independents who are opposed to a woman being in office, much less being slightly more liberal.

The only answer is to stick with Biden and hope for the best this close to the election.

I give kudos to Camila though for defending Biden so well. That shows loyalty!

You put Camilla in though and you just have made certain that independents switch to Trump. It's why Trump won against Hillary.

Independents simply don't want a woman much less a liberal woman as president.

I would be all for Harris if it wasn't for the independent crowd.
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Northwest · M
Your whole country has that same attitude toward a female as President,

So, Hillary Clinton, the candidate who won the popular vote, is not a woman?
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@SandWitch As @Northwest points out Hillary. Then you must not forget Harris IS VP!
Richard65 · M
I didn't see the debate as I was working, but they need independent verification during the debate to actually call out lies and disinformation. If Trump (or Biden) makes a claim, then they should varify the accuracy of what is stated. Not later, not in another news item the following day, but there and then, during the live debate.
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Northwest · M
@SandWitch You said:

I think it's going to be sort of like asking our Dad's to forfeit the keys to his car when we try our best to bring to his attention that he's suffering from the early onset of dementia and has become a hazard to himself and to those around him on the road.

And then said:

No, wrong again Northwest. It was you, not me who attached the notion of dementia with Joe Biden

your subsequent responses wouldn't appear so totally obtuse.

You first try to convince yourself you did not introduce the term dementia to the conversation, and then you resort to insults.

You seem to be a total fucking moron. Goodbye.
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