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Imagine being part of the trump cult and being nothing but rude and disrespectful😴

Not one to get involved in politics but the lack of manners and sense is starting to really irritate me
Ducky · 31-35, F
There really is good amount of Trumpsters who truly seem to believe he’s some kind of messiah. This book says it all:
And yes, this is very real.
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specman · 51-55, M
@BatmanIRL what do you mean?
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Vin53 · M
specman · 51-55, M
Rude? Lack of manners? How about fed up?

Maybe you are just too sensitive.
BatmanIRL · T
@specman I respect that. I’m not attacking all trump voters. A majority of trump supporters aren’t that bad. But it’s a small minority of them I hate. When I provide facts, evidence and everything else but they just disregard it all and call my existence a sexual urge. I try stay respectful towards it but I don’t understand how else I’m supposed to go about talking with them
specman · 51-55, M
@BatmanIRL yeah I just wouldn’t reply back to them. Stay strong
BatmanIRL · T
@specman appreciate the fact you can see things from a different perspective 💖
It's a cult based entirely around hate, what'd you expect?
JimBeam · M
He knows how to secure the border. Biden does not
BatmanIRL · T
@JimBeam secure the border?
JimBeam · M

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