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Was the war in Ukraine, provoked or unprovoked ?

It’s been going on since Barry’s coup in 2012.
McCain and graham Victoria newland been working on this forever.
Pre Russia war.
The mainstream media used to report on the azof nazis in Ukraine.
Post russia war.. they don’t mention them at all.
Or biolabs..

Putin man bad
It was provoked.

The term "sovereign nation" or "sovereign democratic nation" is frequently used to subdue or avoid questions regarding the war in Ukraine. It shows only a superficial understanding of how conflicts begin. US and its allies have ignored Putin on numerous issues for decades, and they interfered in Ukraine to the extent they engineered a revolution in 2004 and changed the results of their election. In 2014, they did the same and Yanukovych was removed from office. NATO has continued to expand its borders, and the West has not pursued diplomacy with Russia. US is also interested in commercializing Ukraine's natural resources.

In Donetsk and Lugansk, Ukrainians and Russians have not been governed by Kiev since 2014.
@SW-User This about sums it up
deadgerbil · 22-25, F
A mix. There's no excuse for it but NATO kinda was poking the bear
4meAndyou · F
Well, if you call Ukraine seceding from the Soviet Union, and wanting their independence provocation, they I suppose they provoked Putin...who decided to pull his tanks up to the Ukrainian border and then fired upon Ukraine.
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@4meAndyou Do you know anything about what was happening to Russian speakers in the Donbass since 2014 ?
4meAndyou · F
@ididntknow Nope.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
My take on it is this:

Russia invaded a sovereign nation for the purposes of land acquisition at an incredible human cost. No matter what happened to lead to this, Russia are the hostile actors here. Putin is a bad guy.

NATO powers have been bringing Ukraine into their political orbit for the past 20 years or so, successfully. The military response from Russia was likely not only expected, but even desired.
Nimbus · M
Why would anyone want to provoke :

NATO provoked it.
fun4us2b · M
It's been going on for 100s of years, Ukraine was called little Russia...Putin is just trying to reconstitute the USSR and to make Ukraine part of his legacy. His hero is Stahlin.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
It was provoked by NATO expansion but that does not justify Russia's actions.
Take ypur pick of conspiracies
@Roundandroundwego Which is why the United States must withdraw from NATO and force all the other countries pay for their own defense and stop relying on us, they try and control NATO and hate us anyways.
Richard65 · M
@NativePortlander1970 you say that as if everyone forced the USA to join NATO against their will. It was ideal for America to utilize friendly territories across the globe as military bases. It enabled you to become the superpower you are and for you to maintain that global influence. NATO has benefited the USA more than anyone else.
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