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Globalist Morons Don't Care How Many People They Kill

Love the tough talk from Italy, but they don't back it up with funding.
4meAndyou · F
Lindsey Graham spilled the beans. Ukraine contains TRILLIONS of dollars worth of rare mineral deposits. Guess what this war is all about?
BigGuy2 · 26-30, M
@4meAndyou not just that:

Senator Rand Paul asked Sleepy's Special Envoy to the Ukraine:

"Is there BioLabs in the Ukraine"

...her reply was quite telling

It should have been:

"If the American Government finds BioLabs anywhere in the World, we will bomb them into oblivion" ... her actual reply was:

"The American Government is working with Ukraine to keep BioLab research out of the hands of Russia"

... so, bringing the situation down to a personal level, if you believe your neighbour is going to stab you, then you see him buying lots of knives, what would you do ... 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️

In a nutshell: i believe Russia invaded to stop these BioLabs, bearing in mind it was a BioLab that this Covid 19 SUPPOSEDLY escaped from in China
4meAndyou · F
@BigGuy2 There was a much more compelling reason. Trillions of dollars worth of natural gas and the rare earth minerals used to create computers.
Reason10 · 61-69, M
THIS is why Trump was the GREATEST foreign policy president of all time. He was ACTUALLY going to make these deep pocket countries PAY for American military presence and protection.
He was the GREATEST world leader of all.
@Reason10 And he still is.
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Her thinking, reasoning and logic is off kilter. Remember, she had to pull Joe away from the twilight zone. That has affected her. She needs bed rest.
BigGuy2 · 26-30, M
The Military age illegal immigrants that are flooding our borders, they won't have to do National Service, but when OUR military aged men are conscripted and die in their MILLIONS ... what will happen back home
@BigGuy2 excellent question, and one that looms in the back of my mind as well.
JimBeam · M
And Joey is the perfect puppet to make it happen.
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@UnderLockDown yep...watch the puppets move their mouths

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