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Cuban Missile Crisis Part II?

Biden goes back on word (what else is new) and approves the use of US made weapons in Ukraine. So, Putin responds by moving Russian ships into Cuba. The Intelligence Community is concerned, but the Biden administration is not. Of course, the Biden administration isn't concerned about China setting up spy camps in Cuba, either.

It's gets there's a Russian hypersonic war ships off the coast of Florida.

Seems pretty clear...should Ukraine use those US made weapons inside of Russia, the Russian navy will counter with a direct attack on the US. In other words, the fate of the US now lies in the hands of a 5'5" coked out dictator, who has funneled US aid to an NGO in order to create an enemies list of more than 350 Americans who oppose the war.

Many thanks to the Obama administration's 2014 coup in Ukraine and to Joe Biden turning this into an absolute FUBAR.
It’s gotten to a point now where if Putin don’t do something he’ll appear weak.

Bombing chernerbol to try reignigjting some radiation
Funding a non nato country by proxy
Ignoring Minsk agreements 1-2 and recruiting nations on russias border.

Now American weapons on Russian targets.
Don’t tell me the west isn’t doing their very best to provoke a response..
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout it's the only rational conclusion
AbbeyRhode · F
That traitor should never have been allowed to seize power and ruin this country. He has spent four years now funding terrorists and alienating our allies. Every lie the Democrats ever told about President Trump is things they are actually doing.
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As I posted earlier, there is an envelope Putin realizes need not be pushed. And yes he is flexing his military muscle close to America.
That’s a two way street. We have naval assets seen and unseen near the lands of adversaries . It’s a game that has been played for years.
And on a sidebar, two good 60s era movies highlighted this and the possibility of errors and the consequences.
@soar2newhighs I believe cooler heads will ultimately prevail, but the globalists are insane. We'll see what happens.
@BizSuitStacy Sadly, many of the globalists are the “ leaders” aka people like Macron of France, Biden (!if awake), and other so called “ leaders”. That makes the entire scenario dangerous.
Look at who attends the WEF and supports the Global 21 agenda.
@soar2newhighs yep, 💯
jehova · 31-35, M
U realize we shouldnt be involved at all? Throwing money and troops into a conflict that cant be won. Lets set america back on course (domestically) then balance our budget. Then maybe get involved at all. Provide support not finances and troops. Diplomacy and conflict resolution not banruptcy and borrowed weapons.
jehova · 31-35, M
@BizSuitStacy money we dont have to be spent in a country other than our own. The definition of insanity? Accoring to Einstein Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
@jehova we can spend $200 billion to defend Ukraine's border, but not our own. Tells us a lot.
jehova · 31-35, M
@BizSuitStacy spot on brother but lets buy tanks for someone else? Not if im president.
At the rate these “ globalists” aka world leaders are going with their dangerous geopolitical game playing ; they’ll end the world before they change it.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
NEO-NAZIST DRIFT OF NATO’s WAR IN UKRAINE. US Bet on Arming Azov Battalion. Bojo praises the Fierce Fighters as “Heroes”
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