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Hakeem Jeffries Defends ‘Loving Father’ Biden, Says Hunter ‘Has Done Nothing Wrong’

The top House Democrat shrugged off concerns about President Joe Biden commenting publicly about the criminal matters his son Hunter Biden is facing in cases being prosecuted by a special counsel appointed by the Biden administration.

During an NBC interview on Sunday, “Meet The Press” guest moderator Peter Alexander asked Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) to opine on whether there was any impropriety by the commander in chief ahead of a trial slated to begin this week.

“Let me ask you about another question that we’ll be watching and will make headlines this week. Hunter Biden, the president’s son, goes on trial for gun charges beginning tomorrow. President Biden said last year, quote, “My son has done nothing wrong,'” Alexander said.

“The Wall Street Journal, as you see here, the editorial board said at the time, quote, ‘That’s a highly inappropriate message from a president. He’s essentially telling prosecutors that they are wrong to bring an indictment because Hunter is innocent of any criminal behavior.’ Why was it appropriate for President Biden to publicly comment on his son’s case?” Alexander continued.

“President Biden commented as a loving father, as I would hope any loving father would do. Hunter Biden of course is entitled, as was Donald Trump, to the presumption of innocence and to a trial by a jury of his peers,” Jeffries responded.

He was alluding to the criminal indictments that Trump is trying to fend off as the former president runs for re-election ahead of what may be a 2020 rematch in November against the elder Biden.

“And this Justice Department is going to proceed in that fashion, present the facts and the law,” Jeffries added. “And then we’ll all have to wait for a determination that is made by a jury as to Hunter Biden’s guilt or innocence.”

Hunter Biden faces two criminal indictments that arose out of the federal investigation into his conduct led by special counsel David Weiss. The first son has pleaded not guilty to gun and tax charges. His gun-related trial is expected to begin this week in Delaware.
Let’s see if Hunter gets convicted as to what Joe will do.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@SW-User Get a grip. The Democrats are full of people who flaunt/break the law, the issue is who will prosecute and why.
@SumKindaMunster Exactly. I guess you could say the same about Judge Cannon in Florida.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@SW-User Exactly. Democrats are law breakers and you were wrong to say otherwise.

Thank you.
So Biden's son is being prosecuted by a Biden appointed prosecutor. Good thing no conflict of interest exists 🙄
@BizSuitStacy And I say again: even if Hunter Biden is convicted, so what? The sad thing is, you’re not actually interested as to whether the rule of law is correctly applied in this case or not. You and your cultists are motivated purely by vengeance: your Messiah has been caught, tried and convicted, and now the “libs” need to pay.

If you think Hunter’s case is going to have ANY bearing on November, think again. But then again, I think you already know that 😎

@BizSuitStacy oh and, if you really want to whine about Biden-appointed prosecutors, good thing no conflict of interest exists withTrump’s far more serious case regarding classified documents being “overseen” (i.e. ignored) by a Trump-appointed judge?🙄

Can’t have your cake and eat it.
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At the end of the day, whether or not Hunter Biden is convicted, it makes zero difference to the election.

Because, and here's the kicker, Hunter's father is not a 34 x convicted felon (with more to follow) 😊
@sunsporter1649 You're really going wild with those goalposts. 😆
Falsifying business records is a state crime.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@BohemianBabe You telling us violating Federal campaign laws are a State offence?
@sunsporter1649 Once again, it's a state crime, not a federal crime. Stop hanging out with RFK.
He’s done nothing wrong.
He’s too mashed potato brains to stand trail..
Democrats are Schrödinger's cat
@sunsporter1649 says
We are still waiting to hear which felonies President Trump was accused of committing

It's all in Alvin Bragg's indictment. Read it and weep.
While you're at it, read the Statement of Facts
@sunsporter1649 As I've told you repeatedly, falsifying business documents is illegal in New York. It's all in the indictment and statement of facts that I linked at the top and that you failed to read.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@ElwoodBlues So you still can't tell us why it is illegal to pay an attorney for legal services rendered, which surprises nobody
@sunsporter1649 As I've told you repeatedly, falsifying business documents is illegal in New York. It's all in the indictment and statement of facts that I linked at the top and that you failed to read.

You keep asking the same questions over and over again my friend; questions that could be answered in 30 sec with google. Answering your questions does NOT prevent their repetition.
Meanwhile, all the MAGA cultists, such as yourself, sunstroke, are claiming that 34X felon Trump has "done nothing wrong" LOL!!!

@sunsporter1649 Read the indictment. I linked it at the top.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@ElwoodBlues So you can't figure it out either, eh?
@sunsporter1649 Read the indictment. I linked it at the top.
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BigBulge · 41-45, M
@BizSuitStacy "UP TO 10 YEARS IN PRISON," which means anywhere from ZERO to ten. Also, their could be extenuating circumstances, such as the possibility that he wasn't clear on whether the form was asking if he was on drugs, NOW, which seems to be the claim, or if he EVER was on drugs. Never the less, there's a lot of days between now and inauguration day, when PRESIDENT Biden has the power to give his son a complete pardon.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@BigBulge And his drug-addled mind forgot he was kicked out of the Navy for cocaine use, right?
"UP TO 10 YEARS IN PRISON," which means anywhere from ZERO to ten.

Not if he's convicted. The reason "zero" factors into the equation is lack of enforcement of the law. People are rarely indicted for lying of the form. Adding credence to the old addage...we don't need more gun laws, we need to enforce the ones we've got.

their could be extenuating circumstances, such as the possibility that he wasn't clear on whether the form was asking

Like what? Being stoned out of his mind when they asked if he ever used drugs? How could the smartest guy Joe Biden has ever known be unclear about straight forward questions?

Ever purchase a firearm and fill out form 4473. It's simple. Check out question 11(e). Nothing confusing about it.


Will Hunter get a slap on the wrist with lint? Most likely. This and tax evasion are the least of his worries if Trump is elected.

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