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What's Happened to Russia in Ukraine Is What Would Have Happened to Nazi Germany in 1938-39 Had the Allies Let Czechoslovakia Defend Itself

Prime Ministers Neville Chamberlain (U.K.) and Édouard Daladier (France) foolishly thought that if they forced Czechoslovakia to turn over the Sudetenland to Nazi Germany that they could bide time to bolster their national defenses for an eventual war with the Germans.

But instead, Germany would get ALL of Czechoslovakia without firing a shot, without losing a single tank, without losing a single aircraft. And not only did they get the important Škoda Works munition factories (Czechoslovakia was the 7th largest arms producer in the world at the time), but the German defense industry was outpacing that of the British and French and Czechoslovakia's armed forces and equipment became part of the Nazi war machine. Furthermore, a southern flank of attack was now possible against Poland.

But if the Germans had to invade Czechoslovakia, subduing that nation might have taken upwards of a year, with constant guerilla warfare and the need for a larger occupation force. Any invasion of Poland most certainly would not have taken place in 1939 and would have most likely been pushed back to the summer of 1940 at the earliest. There might not have been a Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, not in 1939 anyway, since the Germans would have been in no position to invade and split up Poland with the Soviets at that time.

With Germany suffering combat losses for up to a year, the Allies would have been in a far better position to take on Germany in mid or late 1940.


Those who actually wish to learn more about the Munich crisis and the lead-up to the complete Nazi takeover of Czechoslovakia are recommended to read:

What If? Edited by Robert Cowley ("The War of 1938" by Williamson Murray)
The Change in the European Balance of Power, 1938-39: The Path to Ruin. By Williamson Murray
Guilty Men. By Cato.
Sudetenland. By George T. Chronis
The German Generals Talk. By B. H. Liddell Hart
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. By William L. Shirer.

And watch:

Peace In Our Time?

Burnley123 · 41-45, M
What evidence is there that Putin wants to take over the rest of Europe? Or that he can?
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Burnley123 Don't worry 👍🏻
beckyromero · 36-40, F
I wouldn't negotiate with the Nazis and have not said I would. Again, all my arguments are to demonstrate that these situations are not the same. I don't have to answer your question.

I didn't think you would (negotiate with the Nazis). I never said that you would and didn't mean that to come across in an accusatory tone.

But, seriously, my point in asking would be to follow up and ask why do you think (if you do) that negotiating with Putin now over eastern Ukraine is somehow any different than negotiating with Hitler over the Sudetenland in 1938?

You've stated that Russia has a weak (conventional) military compared to the western Allies. I agree that it is much weaker - but only if you add the United States into the equation.

I pointed out that in 1938, Nazi Germany was ALSO weak militarily compared to the western Allies (again, without the United States in the equation).

And aside from the nuclear equation, I would argue that Russia is actually stronger in comparison given it has a stronger navy vis-a-vis Britain and France than Nazi Germany did in 1938. So, too, does it have a stronger air force. And a larger army. (Although it certainly doesn't have the capable military leaders than Nazi Germany did).
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@beckyromero I've given my reasons for my position and I'm out. See you soon.
Morvoren · F
Another arm chair general. 🙄
Morvoren · F
@daisymay calm down toxic tinkerbell. Its differences of opinion about history, not a supermarket sweep.
daisymay · 51-55, T
@Morvoren You should try smiling more.
Morvoren · F
@daisymay I’m smiling now.
Bumbles · 51-55, M
Indeed, and the French could easily have stopped Germany from retaking the Rhineland in 1936, three years earlier.
What do you think is happening to Russia in Ukraine?

Are you aware of events surrounding this war, and what could happen if it escalates? Russia has nuclear weapons, and so do other nations. If provoked, what do you think they will do? Funding this war, as the US is doing, also means taking American taxpayers' money away from them, vast sums of it. Why don't you care about that?

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