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Parents Say 10-Year-Old Killed Himself After Horrific Bullying Despite Complaining To School 20 Times

A 10-year-old boy from Indiana tragically took his own life after enduring persistent bullying at school, as reported by his family.

Sammy Teusch, a fourth-grader at Greenfield Intermediate School, was subjected to relentless bullying leading up to his suicide on May 5, according to his relatives.

WTHR reported that the boy’s father, Sam Teusch, recounted the devastating moment he found his son dead in a heart-wrenching account.

“I held him in my arms… I did the thing no father should ever have to do, and any time I close my eyes, it’s all I can see,” he said.

Sammy’s parents, Sam and Nichole, disclosed that they had raised concerns with the school approximately 20 times regarding the bullying their son endured, which reportedly began last year during his time in elementary school.

“They were making fun of him for his glasses in the beginning, then on to make fun of his teeth. It went on for a long time,” his father lamented.

Sam also recounted a distressing incident involving his son on the school bus: “He was beat up on the school bus, and the kids broke his glasses and everything.”

The father then revealed to the outlet his interaction with the school, expressing his frustration: “I called the school, and I’m like, ‘What are you doing about this? It keeps getting worse, and worse, and worse.'”

Superintendent for the school district Dr. Harold Olin refuted any reports of bullying submitted by the parents or the boy.

He did acknowledge, however, ongoing communication between the school’s administrators, counselor, and the family throughout the year, citing confidentiality rules as a constraint for disclosing further details.

The family of the schoolboy maintained that their concerns had been clearly communicated, despite the superintendent’s stance. “They knew this was going on. They knew this was going on,” Sam asserted.

Cynthia Teusch, Sammy’s grandmother, expressed her indignation towards the district’s claim of having a zero-tolerance policy on bullying to WPTA.

“That they can’t just say they have zero tolerance because that doesn’t mean there is zero tolerance about bullies, their zero tolerance means that they don’t have responsibility for it,” she asserted, emphasizing a breakdown in the trust parents had in the school.

LilPrincess · 41-45, F
As a resident of Indiana, i can say that the school system is awful and that zero tolerance for bullying is a down right lie.

I was bullied in school because I was small and sick. I used to come home with bruises, cuts, and scapes.

In Indiana if you have money or play sports then you are golden and protected.

My heart goes out to this family because I know what its like to get bullied to the point you want to end your life.
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
And as usual, the knee-jerk reaction of school administrators is "shhhh... cover up!" 😡

My heart goes out to the parents and relatives of that poor kid. 😞
Where to begin with something this tragic. We all know kids can be really mean and I suspect everyone gets bullied at some point. But it's rare that someone (particularly someone that young) would kill themselves. I think the school should have done more, but there was something more within this deeply troubled young boy that caused him to take his life. 😞
Only 10 years old!! That is so tragic!
This is beyond horriffic ! These kids abd these patents 9f thr kids that did this must and needs to be charged with qst degree murder clean and clear period !!!! The only question in all of this that I have is how did this young boy know how to do this someone had to have taught him how to do this and when to do it !!!
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