sree251 @sree251You began by asking what I know. Ask a question that requires a library to answer you're going to get a reply that requires more than a 100 Q level mind to read. No guarantee you'll understand but I'm willing to give it a shot.
Only because you gave clear a sight into how little it is that you have been allowed to know, and the fact that half the blood running through my veins came from the ground that later became Germany.
I suggest that you stop standing on a shovel while pretending to pray for a hole and start digging. Bergs and Kaisers, be by castle or ditch only answer to one God.
Some Germans are starting to behave like pagans again. They should know better.
My suggestion is that you begin somewhere before the Ottoman empire became so degraded due to Luther's mistaken belief that (in paraphrasing) "we should be grateful that they kill us and send us directly to God's heaven" - and these nordics became so degraded that they took it away from Christendom, forced a battle that saved the remnant while the lagging " champion of the faith " prayed, so that some of us White, Judeo Christian Semites could survive and build what you think is a cozy world preserved by "hard working industrious but obedient Gurminz."
Not that I'm a huge fan of the Anglocans, catlicks, or any other orthodoxy.
I'm just a non purebred sort. To me the old lion's mane and eagle feathers didn't get put to proper use until a few polocks got around to forming the Hueys.
You know what those were. Don't chyia? One of dem dair wuz won a my top Gee's.
(I figure it was about time to say it's brains that rule the world. Not blonder hair or bluer eyes.