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Maine bill would allow gender-affirming care for out-of-state children

"Democratic state representatives are proposing a bill to expand gender affirming care access in Maine.

The bill would allow Maine to take temporary emergency jurisdiction over children who haven't been able to get gender-affirming care in other states and provide them with those services.

It also would protect healthcare providers in Maine from out-of-state subpoenas surrounding the care.

This comes after state lawmakers gave preliminary approval to another bill that would allow 16- and 17-year-olds to receive gender-affirming care without parental consent."

graphite · 61-69, M
Democrats: Looking to either kill children in the abortion mills or castrate them under the phoniness of "gender-affirming care." Simply an evil bunch, these Democrats.
@graphite It's all part of their 100 year eugenics program, started under Margret Sanger, and the aviator Charles Lindbergh.
graphite · 61-69, M
@NativePortlander1970 So many childless Democrats out there - Kamala Harris, AOC, etc. No wonder why Democrats are flooding the country with 9 million illegals. They're disposing of their children in abortion mills and need someone new to come in and vote for them.
@graphite Ecactly, PLUS, you know how many children also often become politically and religiously opposite of their parents.
More insanity

Slade · 56-60, M

I meant in dick size. Biggest is first in line (or top of the ladder)

That was Sam Kinison's reaction when John Holmes died. He screamed "Now I move up another rung on the ladder!" Followed by more screams
Slade · 56-60, M
@Thinkerbell if we're talking Pics and dicks, I'd want to back against the fucking wall! 🤯
@Thinkerbell I'm gender dysphoric myself, while growing up my mother fucked with my mind, and it thoroughly disgusts me with how within barely a generation those who wanted a sex change had to go through many, many years of counseling and red tape, including total immediate family permission, even if a sistee said no, no surgery. Now it's a ten year old saying, "I'm a boy", or "I'm a girl", and their school steps in and hides it from their parents.
“We’re not coming after the kids.. “

If they ain’t trying to molest or smuggle them.. it’s mutilation time..
It is interesting that in many states, (41) the practice of female genital mutilation is outlawed. But the attempt to physically change by castration or any kind of genital mutilation in the name of “gender- affirming” is permitted?
graphite · 61-69, M
@soar2newhighs Democrat Party is Evil. Right out of "1984," re-defining words and terms to make evil sound good.
First, when the term “ gender-affirming care” is used, what exactly is that and what does it entail?
If the person is of legal age by Maine law I guess it is their call. If the person leaves a state where they are not of “legal age” I guess it would fall in the realm of the parents and their care of their child(ren).
If parents choose to let their children go to Maine for such care, that is a choice they will make or have made for their child(ren).
@BizSuitStacy Trump needs to list the ATF, along with all the other treasonous alphabet agencies, with his day one disbandments, then EO a federal Constitutional Carry law, eliminate gun free zones, and tax restrict states until they repeal all of their infringements.
@NativePortlander1970 I like it.

When people were pointing out the problem with gun violence in Chicago, it was Barry Obozo who spread the lie that Illinois residents were simply going to Iowa, where the laws weren't as strict, to buy their guns. While it's true that residents of Illinois can purchase guns in Iowa, and it's true that Iowa's gun laws aren't as strict as those in Illinois, Obama intentionally left out the part that Illinois residents are still subject to Illinois state firearm laws. You might be able to circumvent the background via private sale, and you might find an unscrupulous dealer - though it's unlikely. But Obama wanted people to believe that criminals were crossing state lines to get guns, and that's why Chicago gun violence is out of control - which is total 🐂💩. Gun grabber were using the same argument for DC. Criminals go to Virginia, where the gun laws are far less stringent. More horse shit. DC's gun laws make Chicago's look like a cakewalk by comparison. Yet DC's firearm homicide rate per capita is 16 times higher than the national average...and higher than any of the 50 states. Yet another inconvenient truth for the gun control crowd.
@BizSuitStacy I thought you'd like it, the second amendment is federal and should not be infringed by the states, DC v. Heller made it very clear, whoever passed it as law that states could regulate other states in purchasing should be held for treason.
IM5688 · 61-69, M
Shows just how ass-backwards they are. Children don't need gender-affirming care. Why not just let them be children as the gender they were born as, or would that take too much common sense?
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
@IM5688 Far to much common sense. Little Johnny can't play any sport because he may get hurt, but at age 7 he can have a sex change operation. Nope! That won't lead to any suicides. In California if you don't support your children in gender reassessment the state will take all of your children from you and deem you an unfit parent.
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Gender affirming my ass. Its child abuse
tindrummer · M
As Maine goes so goes the nation.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
@sunsporter1649 Yep! Down the crapper. 🤦‍♂️
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
I am sorry, but wrong is just wrong! 🤦‍♂️
When did Maine flip from deep red to deep blue?
@sunsporter1649 And that is, who?
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@NativePortlander1970 You voted for it and you don't know!
@sunsporter1649 I don't live in Maine.

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