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Why the UN is now the enemy of Joe Public

The United Nations has morphed into a leviathan. Its various agreements and goals seek to centrally dictate the world’s economy, migration, “reproductive health,” monetary systems, digital IDs, environment, agriculture, wages, climate modifications, one world health, and other related globalist programs.

To be clear, these are the goals of an organization seeking a globalized command economy, not an organization focused on world peace, ending wars, or human rights!

This UN aims to regulate every dimension of our personal and national lives. It is working to reduce and eliminate national sovereignty across the world, and thereby to decrease our diversity, our traditions, our religions and our national identities.
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Fairydust · F
They always have, it’s just being exposed now.
Fairydust · F
@IndianaJoes does voting work though, so many WEF have taken over.
@Fairydust you can't give up and have to be persistent.
@Fairydust of course it works what you have to do with the old fashioned way. Walk in and vote. Don't do early voting because they don't need to know who's going to win early so they can rig the votes. And don't do the absentee ballot because that's the ones they really want to rig and you have no proof of anything happen from it. And also there's always that excuse... "But I had to work on that day". Yes that's an irritating excuse. There is a law where the employer has to give you up to 2 hours off to go vote... They don't have to pay for that 2 hours but they have to give it to you. I care so I don't care about that 2 hours worth of pay and I can do it 1 hour anyway. (Edit) I googled it again and it's not a federal law but 30 states have it as a law.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
Oh, really? And you think even if it wants that (I doubt it) and thinks it can introduce such policies uniformly across the world, it is capable of doing so and enforcing them?

It finds it hard enough to work as it is.

Nevertheless, the isolationist world of hermetic countries you seem to want, would be even worse in all manner of ways than the normal international co-operation you seem to think wrong; let alone the highly-unrealistic, uniformitarian, authoritarian pan-world you fear.
TexChik · F
The UN is the embodiment of the globalist agenda .
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@TexChik I don't consider myself "socialist" in my country's terms. "Centrist" perhaps - whatever that encompasses?

Anyway, I don't know how you define "socialist"!

I see both good and bad in both Left and Right wing mainstream political ideologies here, on the general L-R spectrum in Britain and much of Europe - a spectrum that may or may not closely match that in the USA.

I support the idea of individual, autonomous, democratic (small "d"!) countries living in mutual co-operation and harmony... but realise that is highly idealist due to so many huge differences in politics, economy, geography, language and culture.

Even the European Union is not a cohesive "nation" (as some arch-federalists undeniably dream about) but a somewhat uneasy, political-economic bloc of over two dozen, largely friendly countries with a lot in common and many agreed aims, but also many of those differences I listed above. Its purpose is much like that of the UN, really, and a lot of its policies and "Directives" (law foundations) are within a vast array of international treaties*.

It's that matter of differences which would act against any international body trying to be some sort of "world government" as some fear, even before individual nations obstruct such attempts anyway.

Obstruction may be direct and constructive - diplomats telling the UN General Assembly "My country does not agree and will not support that, but suggests instead we....". The natural democratic way, by consensus among hopefully, largely friendly countries.

Or indirect and destructive, by some hostile nations using many means including wild allegations, to sow suspicion and discord within and between others more widely: "divide-&-rule".


*Although the United Kingdom has left the EU, it is still a member of or signatory to, around ninety different international bodies and agreements. I would imagine the USA is, too - most of them the same. These are of autonomous countries helping each other, not of arcane committees trying to run them!
TexChik · F
@ArishMell Don’t worry, we know. No manifesto was necessary.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@TexChik OK!
Dave1955 · 61-69, M
This is pie in the sky stuff the UN can hardly run itself now, there is no way they could ever be a global umbrella organization, they are not recognised as having any jurisdiction in state lawmaking within the context of day to day running of things
A close eye needs to be kept on the WHO…with their Pandemic prevention preparedness and response design “agreement “ attempting to convince 194 nations to agree to them becoming the sole organization that handles all these nations’ health issues. They would rid these nations of their sovereignty relating to health issues. They are scheduled to attempt to finalize this “ agreement “ in May of 2024 BEHIND CLOSED DOORS!
WalterF · 70-79, M
@soar2newhighs We know that, but the poor souls who are devoted to their propaganda sites haven't a clue about what's happening behind so many closed supra-government doors. They don't know what's coming.

Blissful ignorance
Just look who is on their “ Human Rights” committee!
starting to think we lost WW2. and the Nazis got implanted in every country around the globe....
Fairydust · F

💯 they just went quiet and planned the next takeover.
UN= unnecessary nuisance.
NOTE: I cede there are some good they do. That said, I believe their interests at their highest levels are not necessarily for everyone’s well being.
Thank you for stating the facts as they are. And I'm so sick of hearing people's biased opinions and I can clearly tell that those people are listening to biased garbage news. How can anybody approve of Joe Biden or Putin? Those of you watching television mainstream news.... May this offend you very deeply.... You are morons. Thank you WalterF. We need more people on our sides. I love my freedom and I want to keep it. If I have to lose my freedom then I will lose my life fighting for it.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@IndianaJoes My question?

It's simple: your definition of "freedom" in the political sense.

You stated you want freedom but make it clear that like Walter, you believe you are right, everyone else is wrong and their sources of news are all biased or worse.

Those sources probably are biased or worse if they are uncited blogs and dubious on-line "magazines" from unknown people and places.*

True freedom carries the responsibilities to uphold the right to express opinions opposing yours, to accept that your beliefs may be mistaken; and to accept nuances and consensus where your opponents' ideas may be just as valid as yours.

That automatically includes accepting a truly free country allows not only the political party you usually support, but also all of its opposing parties - and you might vote for one of them in future! (I don't know how many you have to choose from.)


*I can give an example of the latter I encountered once.
It seemed an American news magazine analysing defence and diplomatic affairs. It looked American, was aimed at both the USA and the UK; but very careful reading suggested otherwise.
Its anti-US bias was clear but far more subtle than the old Soviet propaganda ever was; and that and other clues hinted it might have been created anywhere but the USA or UK. Possibly Russia or some other anti-Western state.
@ArishMell your profile says that you are from the UK. I'm damn glad I didn't live there. We founded the best constitution in the world 250 years ago and we moved from the UK because of a bunch of propaganda and losing our rights such as freedoms of religion and speech and a multitude of other things. Huge corporations are trying to take over our country and cram the same stuff down our throat so is what was the original problem as to why we left the UK. Thereafter maximum profitability and don't care about the human rights which most countries don't have anymore except for the USA. Most of us Americans are finally waking up to the biased news media known as mainstream news media. George Soros controlled news media. So when people are listening to garbage news or biased news media propaganda stuff then that's where they learn their garbage from so they believe what the propagandists want you to believe. News sources such as the BBC MSNBC CNN Fox and at least 50 more of those news networks. It is a classic example of how countries get taken down by communist leaders wanted to control the world. Biased news took down China Russia Venezuela Australia and many other countries. That's proving America is one of the hardest countries to take down and they're trying very hard. You have the right to believe what you want to believe and have your own opinions just like I do. I believe you're getting most of your information from the BBC. Things that I live in America and you don't perhaps you need to study about each individual politician and what his agenda is instead of believing mainstream biased news because they all can hold one story whether it is truthful or not. I'm starting to get the sense that you're just another one of those internet trolls who I will gladly block and can derate your popularity on SW depending on how many other people block you also. You have your opinion and I have my opinion and let's just keep it at that.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@IndianaJoes Come on - I am not insulting you or your country. All nations have their own strengths and weaknesses and those strengths in both of yours include the right of free expression - with the responsibility of being civil about it.

Blocking me won't achieve anything useful, just remove another opinion you don't share!

I'll tell you the tests I apply to my sources of knowledge:

1) Is my source of news and analysis attacked as "biased" more or less evenly by both sides of the argument? If 'Yes' it must be reasonably fair to both. The allegation is usually just attacking its moral courage to give ones opponents their say.

2) If apparently biased, is it by promoting my views or the opposing ones? The former is harder to determine due to my own biases, and we need judge what is said and what is not said.

3) If reporting something difficult, is it honest enough to admit being unable to verify independently some claim by one faction or another? This is common in war reporting where establishing the truth is notoriously, physically difficult and dangerous.

4) Doe reports contain qualifiers and nuances (e.g. points not yet established, doubts, exceptions or compromise)? Are statistics or specialist knowledge represented fairly?

5) Who owns it? Is the ownership clear and open, or hidden?

If a broadcaster, is it a State service, a public-service one or a commercial one - I would expect the first and last to reflect their respective owners, but at least the independent broadcasters in the UK are under the same impartiality responsibility for the News reports as the BBC.

If a newspaper, how is it biased? It is usually well-known, easy to recognise and allow for. Those in Britain do not usually lie (they would soon be caught out) but do use selective reporting: correct so far but incomplete.

One of the biggest enemies of impartial, fair reporting is the subjects. Too often one side will retreat behind "no-one was available for comment", a bland "statement" or even point-blank "no". Journalists do know this but can't force a giant company or a government agency to accept the interview invitation.

6) If on the Internet, what is its nature?

A "magazine"? Does careful reading and thinking reveal bias that may be obvious or subtle? Does it have a clear base, contact-address, proprietorial name, etc.

A statement presented by a single user on a social-media site or blog? Fact or opinion? If passing on something, does it contain the source reference or an honest apology where that is omitted, e.g. by general knowledge? If it touches on specialist knowledge you understand, does it do so correctly? Does it look like a believable quote from some report, study or reliable news source - which should be referenced to give you chance to evaluate it fairly? Does it contain any qualifiers that show where genuine doubt is due? If not of any of these, why not?

7) You! (or me!) Do we read or listen to, and think about, fairly views not our own, or only those of which we approve and reject the rest out of hand? NB: Understanding is NOT the same as agreeing with or (if malicious) condoning!

Encouraged by the nature of the Internet, wilfully ignoring, misrepresenting or blanking the other side for having different views, or hurling wild accusations or puerile insults at it, is one of democracy's biggest enemies. It denies understanding the people and matter at hand, and attacks the nature of compromise vital to any healthy democracy - be it the USA, the UK or any other.
22Michelle · 61-69, T
Please seek professional help!

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