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America talks about diversity

And yet, we bomb our way to establish freedom and democracy.
beckyromero · 36-40, F

"And conquer we must
When our cause it is just..."
sree251 · 41-45, M
@LamontCranston I see. I am trying to establish what "woke" means in another thread. Please join in that "Dumb or Woke" discussion.
room101 · 51-55, M
@sree251 Go and have a look at your new post. All of the racist fuckwits that it has attracted are posting the same bullshit. All of it parroted from the same GQP and right-wing media outlets that you all consume daily.

If that's your idea of an honest opinion then there really is nothing more to say.
room101 · 51-55, M
@sree251 So, you're trying to establish what woke means?

Here's a radical idea, try looking it up!

I'll give you a helping hand..........AGAIN.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
I apologize for socking it to you but.... America talks about diversity are weasel words. Some people who are American by nationality advocate for more diversity and other Americans who are also American by nationality advocate for less diversity. Presenting America as a point of singularity with unanimous consensus is just inaccurate.

In addition bombing (and you didn't name whom we are bombing) is not a proxy to diversity. it is a non-sequitur where one has nothing to do with the other. Nobody is bombing to be for or against diversity.

Maybe we can ask you how much diversity should the USA have and why or on a non related topic (because they are not related) should we have military intervention with XYZ country and if so why, if not why not?
sree251 · 41-45, M

America is not unanimous at all. We are divided and hate each other. I am not kidding. This hatred is powerful enough to split families. If I don't know you, I would assume that you are on the other side of the political divide and keep my opinion to myself. Here in cyberspace, I give myself more leeway.

I don't know what your mindset is. Here in America, there are only two distinct and dialecticaly opposite mindsets: left (liberal progressive i.e. woke), and right (conservative). If I am wrong, please present your perception (assuming you are an American).

Back in the days of Jane Fonda (who was on the left), woke people were anti-war. Now, they are rabid war mongers and push for aggression against Russia in Ukraine and nuclear war be damned.

The US Government, in my opinion, is not governing at all. No politically engaged American, and by this I mean citizens concerned about the welfare of the country for ALL Americans, believes he/she has a government for all the people. For a long time now, Congress and the White House are a band of self-serving crooks looking out for themselves. How else can you explain a country laden with debt in the pursuit of a mad warfighting foreign policy while conditions for Americans at home is left to rot.

Ok, I have vented enough. Over to you. Please respond.
America’s influence on the world stage is on the wane. It will survive, but in isolation. The China juggernaut will grow.

A failed man make Utopia, but still far better than what is to come.
helenS · 36-40, F
@anythingoes477 There is, I think, still a strong sense of togetherness in the Western world.
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helenS · 36-40, F
@anythingoes477 I would probably not want to see current events in terms of racial conflicts. I sure hope there will come a time when nobody cares if someone is black, brown, white or green. (Hey, green! I've never kissed a green man 😏)
in10RjFox · M
It only means that they don't talk about Unity because they will have no place in the world if the world unites. So they will only talk about diversity . They don't bomb, but make you bomb the other and then say that you are the other.

You will have no time to ask yourself "who am I" .. once the shelling begins..
sree251 · 41-45, M
@in10RjFox You said: "They don't bomb, but make you bomb the other and then say that you are the other."

Why all this cloak and dagger nonsense? There seems to be nothing above board about this lauded land of the free and home of the brave. I must admit that we have no qualms about airing our dirty linens in public through blockbuster movies such as "Jason Bourne". Then there was "Three Days of the Condor" showcasing the cold-blooded killing of fellow Americans. It's all out there in one great movie after another. Now, we have been acclimatized, we don't hide it anymore and are coming right out to criminalize and throw into jail any American who doesn't toe the line.
jehova · 31-35, M
Kill them so they are free. From this lfe? Force democacy on them. Thats the only way we will leave them alone. The us even ovedrafts to go to war at least twice a year. No diversity of thought apparently.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@jehova Do you think the US is evil?
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Diversity isn't important
What did we do now?

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