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How do you imagine the future of the US in terms of political, society and economic development within the next 3-4 decades?

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plungesponge · 41-45, M Best Comment
The US is becoming a playground for billionaires and corporations to write their own laws. I foresee the further shrinking of the middle class, falling standards of living as far as the eye can see. The elites are getting ready to jump ship off the dying dollar to a new digital currency, and if things get unstable enough they will sell out the country to the other superpowers to ensure they have a seat in a new world order
DiStefano · 46-50, M
@plungesponge like China or even BRICS as an organization?
plungesponge · 41-45, M
@DiStefano It'll be a mish mash of new powers, strengthened not so much on their own merit but by the diminishment of the US under the weight of its own debt and bureaucracy

Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
That's an interesting question.
Well at the moment the U.S. is in denial mode.

It refuses to accept that covid losses were enormous. It's policy of economic domination worldwide has not only been challenged, it's been smashed.

China and India can produce just about anything the U.S does at 2/3 the cost. Basically because production costs and labor in those places is a lot cheaper.
How long before one of the big car companies pulls out of Detroit and relocates to Delhi ?

Remember Trump's rant about Huawei phones and how he was going to ban them from entering the country because they were loaded with spyware ?
He neglected to mention they were 2/3 the price of an i-phone; with all the same capability and that the U.S. just couldn't compete with that. Even if Huawei did rip off the design and technology from Apple.

In short America hasn't evolved. It's non-evolution with regards to taking money from long established business owners who's industries are dying elsewhere; it's outdated politics or industries; it's stubborn refusal to acknowledge the world is changing with the advent of climate change and what that means for its own people let alone the rest of the world.... it's a real isolationist stance
Unless white Christian nationalism is contained in some way............I think in 20 years or less the U.S. will no longer be a Democracy. The radicalized right goal seems to be to destroy every vestige of democracy and install a fascist / dictator type of government instead. I say that because since trump began to head his cult the battle cry has been to take the broadcast licenses away from this failing newspaper or that TV news program when they print or broadcast any truth about trump he don't want told. That is a flat out voiding the 1st Amendment...for the good of the leader. If you look at WWII Germany and Italy that is playbook 1st step fascism taking over government. Silence the press so only the dictators select mouthpiece stations and newspapers remain. Trump has vowed he will override the DOJ.....abolish it and the FBI favor of his own rules. That's step #2....change or abolish the legal system where ANYONE who dissents or speaks out can be arrested by the ruler. Step #3....pack the upper and lower courts with stooges that will rule in favor of your matter what that is.

Trump has vowed if elected he will tear up the Constitution. Then what? If a trumper thinks that is great..............when the Constitution goes so does the rights they think they have too.

Trump tried to install fascism in America on Jan 6th when he incited a bunch of suckers to go to prison or get killed trying to do his bidding in a coup that he hoped would overcome democracy. The ONLY intent Trump had was to get himself named ruler....when he was not elected. When that happens in any 3rd world country...we all call that a coup. So that is what happened attempted takeover of government so an UNELECTED dictator can take power.

These things bad as they are would be nothing...........without grass roots support. Between right wing extremists, Christian white nationalism and armed hate groups....all of which support trump as their cult leader what wasn't done correctly in 2020 will now have 4 years to make better plans for how to succeed in 2024 if trump loses again.

The use of the word "Christian" does not mean it is religion. The "Christian Right" is nothing more than packaging to mask violence and racism and hate and homophobia under the name of dupe evangelicals to join his cause. The 2nd Amendment is being used to rally every moron with a gun to use it for the leader..when it's time. Telling the Oath Keeps and the KKK........."Stand down until we need you?" Remember???

Jan 6th proves all walks of life with lower IQ's are gullible enough they will go to prison for Trump in their zeal to overthrow the cult leader's behest. If something is not done by real actual Christians............and laws are not enacted soon to stop another coup and give real consequences for trump or one like him for doing this again and again.......sooner or later one of the attempts to kill democracy in America may work. At that point....the rest you ask in your question becomes either moot or secondary to the fact we are no longer a free democratic America.
@whowasthatmaskedman The obstructionists in Congress...McConnel......andl the waste of space people like Greene and Gaetz and Boebert......go back into office because lawmakers have a 97.4% re-election rate. Why? Because when most people vote hey vote straight ticket..........because god knows they could never just vote for who is best for the job. A Dem would NEVER vote for a Republican and vice when you vote straight ticket the McConnell's keep getting re-elected. And remember it is not "American voters" that send those losers back year after year. It is as little as perhaps 10,000 votes that do that because ONLY a congressman's district votes for him. All a lawmaker has to do is convince very few he should go back into the primary in his state......but then they end up representing us all........virtually until thy die.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@anythingoes477 I concur.. But there is that peculiarly American X factor of choosing your political party in a similar manner to how you choose your sporting team to support. Remember that Lincoln was a Republican and the original Democrats were pro Slavery. But people evolve and political beliefs change. One would expect the poorer states of the US to support policies that supported welfare and the poor more. Mitch MsConnell represents Kentucky for nearly 40 years..Sarah Saunders governs Arkansas. How is that??OK. McConnell used to be a clever operator. But Saunders?? Seriously?? How stupid do voters have to be to vote that in???😷
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
There are going to be economic shifts, since America is no longer going to be the worlds Banker in the Monopoly game.. Political and society will follow. Its not likely to be pretty, whichever way it goes..😷
Gloomy · F
Comrade Joe Biden will be president again and create the United Socialist Republics of America and all conservatives will be put into Gulags guarded by transgender guards.
Drag Queens will teach kids how to twerk and the sun will be blocked out.
The nuclear family will be abolished and wokeism and crt will be the driving principle of society and the economy with state run woke businesses.
@Gloomy 🤣 And the sky will fall and we'll all starve and Mickey Mouse and Bud Lite and green M&M's will be all that's left. ;-)
Neoerectus · M
Climatic Change impacts will drive much change. India and China's industrial areas will suffer major inundation, as will that of the eastern US. Those who do not adapt to rising seas and climate shifts will suffer.
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
@Neoerectus youre still swallowing that bullshit
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Neoerectus And areas with the weakest infrastructure like power, water and drainage networks will break down unter the load changes first..Disrupting cities and lives..😷
Neoerectus · M
@Patriot96 99% of climate scientists agree. I doubt your voodoo doctor sources have even looked at the regional news reports around the globe. Not only is the scientific evidence there, so is the anecdotal. Your are proudly and willfully ignorant, so you will not be persuaded. Matters not. Believe it or don't .. ?. it is the current reality.

Enjoy eating that sand your head is firmly buried in. 🙄😏
calicuz · 56-60, M
In all honesty, I'd say the new economy that we are shifting to has about 20 or 25 years in it before it too is as worthless as the Dollar is now. When it comes to an end, all the wealthiest in the country will flee and leave everyone to their own devices, so it really doesn't look good at all. 😞
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@calicuz An excellent executive summary. Now how do Republicans sell it to the voters as policy...?. Talk about Hillarys emails, Hunters Laptop and how old Joe Biden is...😷
akindheart · 61-69, F
if we don't get a handle on this, China will own us. they have been taking over as we are asleep at the wheel
akindheart · 61-69, F
@samueltyler2 when they buy property near our AF bases, i would say that is a problem. when they are stealing our medical secrets, that is a problem. they were caught red handed in Texas. it needs to stop before we are owned
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@akindheart i am not saying otherwise, just putting things in perspective. The corporate espionage is not uncommon, if Chinese companies are involved, it is probably driven by the government. But, our companies are partially responsible, because they don't always use the highest security to protect themselves, and relish what funds they can capture from Chinese companies.

What my medical secrets has any Chinese company or government stolen? Isn't that a bit of exaggeration? I am unaware of any of the recent malware problems in hospitals having come from China. But, having spent my life working on hospitals, it upsets me no end, that any hospital is so dependent upon it's computers that it can be subjected to such compromise. I worked on computerization of hospitals starting in 1978, we warned to always have local.capabilitirs, not to put all your functionality into what we now call, the cloud. We also always had plans on how to function even if all computers failed.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@akindheart "Getting a handle on this" needed to be done in the early 90s. That ship sailed and the money has been spent. On farm and industry protection, Supercarriers and wars in far off lands to support foreign policy. (all expenditure items with no upside) So lets start by telling the people how America is going to stop doing those things, then pay the money back to the world..😷
calicuz · 56-60, M
The future looks bleak at best. 😞
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Lagging behind china and india
My thoughts is that if they're going to replace everybody's job with robots... and Ai, Then who will have any money to buy their "Robot built" products? Perhaps the Robots who are working for free???
specman · 51-55, MVIP
It will remain divided all morals lost and we’ll all have to learn to speak the new language of the land “ Chinese “.

The rapture came already

Or everyone with nukes used them and destroyed the earth
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wildbill83 · 41-45, M
somewhere between the hunger games & fallout NV... 🤔
Soviet Union style made up of 50 corrupt states
And the reemergence of mafia-like organised crime.

Oh wait… nm
Renaci · 36-40
Rust-belting and general decline.
DiStefano · 46-50, M
@Renaci even in the South, Texas and California?

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