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Air Force Officials Probe $1 Billion in Land Purchases Surrounding Travis Air Base by Mysterious Investment Group

US Air Force officials are investigating a series of major land purchases worth over $1 billion by Flannery Associates LLC, a mysterious investment group.

The Flannery Associates purchases amount to approximately 52,000 acres of land surrounding Travis Air Force Base in California.

Investigators have failed to identify the backers behind the group after an eight month investigation.

Via Benzinga – “We don’t know who Flannery is, and their extensive purchases do not make sense to anybody in the area,” Rep. John Garamendi (D-Calif.), the top Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee’s readiness panel, told The Wall Street Journal. “The fact that they’re buying land purposefully right up to the fence at Travis raises significant questions.”

Via WLT Report:

U.S. officials are investigating the purchase of 55,000 acres of dry farmland near a U.S. Air Force base in California.

A company called Flannery Associates LLC reportedly spent nearly $1 billion since 2018 acquiring land in Solano County near the base.

Travis Air Force Base, approximately 54 miles from San Francisco, “houses large transport aircraft used for refueling smaller planes and sending aid and munitions around the world,” Daily Mail reports.

Authorities remain clueless to who’s behind the company and why they acquired the land around the base.

Investigators have failed to identify the backers behind the group after an eight month investigation.......
But they can tell you what Trump is having for breakfast.

They don't have a clue where cocaine in the White House came from but know exactly what Trump had for breakfast.

Do these investigator really work FOR us?
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HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
My money is on
Carissimi · F
Or Bill Gates et al. @HoraceGreenley
@HoraceGreenley good bet
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
@Carissimi It was the Wuhan lab
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Well, that's the problem with weak government oversight and regulation that allows beneficial owners to hide themselves behind opaque corporate structures designed primarily for tax evasion 🙄
Carissimi · F
They know. They just don’t want us to know. Our intel agencies can find anyone, anywhere, anytime. If they don’t, it’s because they don’t want to.
Hmmm...there's a pattern here. Who has been buying land near US military bases?

Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
Shhh... ongoing investigation... can't discuss it. 🤫
I posted on this a few days ago. Seems no one in California or the federal government knew about this. Sorry that’s B.S.
And we’re supposed to believe that? 1 billion for Dry farmland. Now 1billion is out there, land over a five year period has been purchased, and no one was aware of these transactions?
Being it was adjacent to Travis AFB, the USAF got dumped on to investigate this. Why? And no one knows who this Flannery group is and who did they pay?
As the article says, “ clueless”. How true!!
akindheart · 61-69, F
we have someone buying PRIME land in Palm Beach. it required a security clearance by the govt. I swear if Nancy Pelosi is moving down here, i am moving
FreestyleArt · 36-40, M
The best we can do is Investigate for ourselves. I wouldn't wait to expect from them
This corrupt government finds what it wants to find. Seems in 5 years it has not under two administrations either acknowledged this or found who the “ Flannery” group is.
Fail to pay your taxes, and out of 300 million plus people, they’ll find you and be on you like white on rice! And in a heartbeat! C’mon, man!!
i bet its got close ties to the CCP ?

If it is China, take the land and give them the money back.
@Budwick the money was just rent
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
@BritishFailedAesthetic just claim it under imminent domain and keep the money...
@wildbill83 @BizSuitStacy Probably best to return the money and do what my eife's Country Zambia did about Chinese interference.
Land is privatized.
It's really bad for everyone.
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
Definitely not! I would definitely want to know who was buying that amount of land next to a military base. If it had been Trump buying it they would already know which pen he used to sign the paperwork with so no more excuses NSA, FBI and DOJ. Tell us who bought it.
@Musicman The BCS!

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