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Jan 6 …Antifa?

It’s always rewarding to watch trump supporters humiliated by Trump.

Former president Donald Trump said he would issue full pardons and a government apology to rioters who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and violently attacked law enforcement to stop the democratic transfer of power.
“I mean full pardons with an apology to many,” he told conservative radio host Wendy Bell on Thursday morning. Such a move would be contingent on Trump running and winning the 2024 presidential election.
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Have republicans abandoned their claim that Jan 6 was an antifa false flag??

@soar2newhighs You don’t even know that the Republican Senate voted down the bipartisan commission giving them equal power. Why would they vote down a bipartisan commission? You can’t answer that can you?
@Ryderbike Can’’t because I didn’t follow it, that closely , but all I pretty much heard was Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler and their positions.
There are far too many issues the commission chose to ignore or gloss over. Ashley Babbit? The shooter, Byrd, Capitol police.
When the Republicans go after the commission, then answers will be forthcoming and possibly, and IMO. Very damaging to certain democrats and republicans.
@soar2newhighs Reading the January 6 report has nothing to do with what any of the people you mentioned say.

The reason to read the January 6 report is to read the testimony of witnesses under oath that worked in the White House and worked for Donald Trump.

That has absolutely nothing to do with partisanship.
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@easterniowegin I know what a cult is. Don’t you?
easterniowegin · 51-55, M
@Ryderbike yes, you are the perfect portrayal of one. Obsessed, zero independent thought.

Your entire existence is related to trump...right?!!
@easterniowegin independent thought? Let’s see your Capitol was attacked by right wing fascists who believed trumps lies.

The same people that supported that attack funded an attack on my government.

You’re a threat not to just to your nation but mine as well.

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@checkoutanytime Canada has one of the lowest Covid death rates in the world.

America has one of the highest Covid death rates in the world.

16 th from the worst ….

Richest nation on earth one of the highest Covid death rates .

We know who is to blame .

The idiot holding death rallies in the middle of a world wide pandemic
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i just hate that he keeps you up at night and occupies your brain 23 and a half hours a day. thats as bad as the republicans who lost all that sleep with Obama. caring is one thing, but, this level of obsession is unhealthy as the Trumpers who worship him.
@YourMomsSecretCrush you assume I’m as stupid as you are,. Please don’t make that mistake again.
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@YourMomsSecretCrush which was a stupid comment. See how it works?
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@ryderbike] 😆there is a good chance by time 2024 comes around the only thing trump will be running for is errands for the prisoner governor of the prison he is in . but seriously the american people must surely see how dangerous this man is . if he is prepared to pardon people who rioted and wanted to change democracy illegally himself included. how can the american people elect a man who disrespects law throws his dummy out of his pram at a fair election defeat . then tries to have the result nullified by riots and undemocratic violence is this not close to an attempted coup d etat
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
can't imagine anything more humiliating than the people who actually voted for the vegetable we have in office now...

that's down there with the flat earthers and jim jones kool-aid drinker level of stupid... 🤔
@wildbill83 you one of those cult monkeys that fell for the lying conman?

Looks like his taxes prove your judgment can’t be trusted.

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