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Trump Super Zero trading cards

You Americans can’t keep this to yourselves this time. About 5 billion people around the world are laughing at your pathetic clown,

The absurdity that this joke was your former president will not be forgotten,
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I'll bet somebody could make a pretty penny selling a line of Trump TRAITOR cards, LOL!!!

This is a sofisticated way to get paid or recieve money from adversarial countries and not have to report where the money came from. This is a really good Con. He sold 44000 digital cards of him as a Cowboy, an Astronaut and people actually belive that? We're talking about over 4 million in a few days.
I'm just happy that he's our former President at this point. It could be worse.
and yet,,,, He sold ALL OF THEM
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@SatyrService Well he isnt going to need it to run his "campaign" . Thats just not happening😷
@whowasthatmaskedman it may yet, he may "run" for speaker of the house" o run as an independant. in any case he will do whatever it takes to stay in public
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@SatyrService No. The legal storm clouds are gathering and he is past his use by date in the polling. But anything to keep the Trump name in front of the shills while he fleeces them. He has managed to skim millions into the Trump businesses as "Fund raising expenses" that he can then use to keep the life support going on his businesses. At least until the loans get called in next year. He has to be praying Russian stays in the Ukraine, which is preventing them getting into the US courts to claim their loans back..😷
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
And it gets better.... Every person who has every supported Trump has to be sphincter puckeringly embarrassed over this. That this was a scam was pure Trump. But this is your former President bringing home a crayon drawing to you and demanding you put it up on the fridge. I think we have finally got to the "I told you so" moment...😷
spjennifer · 61-69, T
Do his stupid cards come with bubble gum at least? 🤪
spjennifer · 61-69, T
@whowasthatmaskedman Oh I know what NFT's are, i was being facetious as is always required with tRump 🤪
@spjennifer Maybe "virtual" bubble gum could come with them?
NFTs seem like a scam to begin with to me, Trump or no Trump, so why not also package a right to digital gum?
spjennifer · 61-69, T
@MistyCee Hey, if there's a way to scam money out of people, tRump and his cronies have probably already thought of it! 🤪
DDaverde · 61-69, M
And you don’t think that the whole world is not laughing at us now with the senile old man in Washington and his buffoons ??
You liberal democrats are truly delusional
In your own little worlds ..
@DDaverde Biden has united NATO like never in history.

How does it feel to have your absurdity exposed?
@DDaverde That “senile old man and his buffoons” were the last administration.Let’s have a listen to former President Sundowner spewing word salad, shall we?

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Paladin · 61-69, M
@DDaverde No, the world isn't laughing over Biden. That is just an alternate reality that the trump loyalists have invented in an attempt to make him look worse than trump. But the only ones buying that are the magateers.
I cannot argue this observation since I totally agree and already have stated the exact same thing. Gratefully, many of us disagree with the antics of this clown.
Dshhh · M
as long as there are Stupids, trump will have cash flow
Dshhh · M
@whowasthatmaskedman yeah,, that is about par. I thought he would just try to over value them and then call it a tzx loss.
so you think he will NOT run again? would you elaborate? very interested in this idea
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Dshhh While he may WANT to run, he needs the money that he has had donated for legal and other funding..His problem has been to access it "legally" So he recently came up with these "donation sweeteners" Like making Jareds book a best seller. And he will repeat that. The Republican party has gone off him. So he has his loyal followers only. Thats maybe 20% of the Republican vote. Certainly not enough to get elected. (And not a great record as a king maker with his annointed candidates..) But he can spoil the Republican Parties chances by going as an Independent. However, he has legal problems starting Next year, with Civil and probably Criminal Charges.Frankly I dont think he will have time to run. He will be skimming his own assets and funds to create a slush fund to go constructively Bankrupt with. He is leveragiung his brand now in an effort to keep milking his loyal sheep.
Personally I believe him to be mentally suspect. But there is no denying his Rat Cunning when it comes to using people..😷
Dshhh · M
@whowasthatmaskedman a most thoughtful and cogent report
I think you have him figured there
This message was deleted by the author of the main post.
@Ryderbike oh I’m sorry. Some righteous douche flute deleted my comment..
I have no idea what I wrote..

uncalled4 · 56-60, M
Not my circus, not my monkeys.

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