Dshhh While he may WANT to run, he needs the money that he has had donated for legal and other funding..His problem has been to access it "legally" So he recently came up with these "donation sweeteners" Like making Jareds book a best seller. And he will repeat that. The Republican party has gone off him. So he has his loyal followers only. Thats maybe 20% of the Republican vote. Certainly not enough to get elected. (And not a great record as a king maker with his annointed candidates..) But he can spoil the Republican Parties chances by going as an Independent. However, he has legal problems starting Next year, with Civil and probably Criminal Charges.Frankly I dont think he will have time to run. He will be skimming his own assets and funds to create a slush fund to go constructively Bankrupt with. He is leveragiung his brand now in an effort to keep milking his loyal sheep.
Personally I believe him to be mentally suspect. But there is no denying his Rat Cunning when it comes to using people..😷