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Biden's Tax Plan Is A "Raw New Deal"

Joe Biden has a long history of screwing over Americans.

It started in 1983, when he voted to slap income taxes on 50% of Social Security income...

In 1994, he voted to up the amount of Social Security benefits subject to taxation, to 85%.

In 2000, he voted AGAINST the Estate Tax Elimination Act that would have phased out certain estate taxes by 2010.

Just who is it that is taking away your Social Security benefits?
May as well call them.
We ain’t stealing this shit, you gotta trust us’ act
He screwed over the railroad labor organizations and their rank and file.
Many who know labor and railroading say he should have stayed out of it.
But as Obama said , don’t underestimate joes ability to fuck things up.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@soar2newhighs The BNSF Railway is a wholly owned subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway Inc, whose owner is....wait for it....Warren Edward Buffett. Beginning to make a little more sense why the employees got screwed....
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@sunsporter1649 Here’s a bit more.
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Lol. Got to make sure to blame Biden for daring to make rich people pay taxes of any kind.

Meanwhile the GOP gives free tax breaks to the wealtiest with zero plan to cover that and then act shocked when they blow a massive hole in government revenue. 🤦‍♂️
Double taxation.

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