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Budwick · 70-79, M
It's gonna be hard for anyone to beat Biden's patented formula of ;
* Leaning on deaths door
*Campaigning from his basement
* Stuffing Ballot Drop Boxes
* Leaning on deaths door
*Campaigning from his basement
* Stuffing Ballot Drop Boxes
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
TrashCat · M
Can I be blunt? He has to go through the primaries. The GOP isn't going to anoint him automatically after the debacle of the 2022 Red wedding. It should be quite entertaining watching the GOP clowns on stage defending themselves from Trump at the same time sucking his micro cock.
scrood · 31-35
Yes and Biden would have beat Trump in 2016 too right??? The walking corpse will hide in his bunker and do no campaigning or debating at all and the Deep State will install him again in a military coup lockdown
anythingoes477 · M
PLEEEREAAAASSSEE Been A Dick Best gift he would give the Dems.