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Republican politicians are already making excuses!

It has already started as Trump came out and said the red wave didn't happen because of poor selection of candidates. If they weren't that good then why did you have them run and back them? The reason no red wave was because the voters in general don't believe that the 2020 election was stolen and that the ruling by the SCOTUS was wrong.
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Penny · 46-50, F
i bet it was because of the republican anti-abortion agenda and also people's valid concerns for our environment (and im not talking about climate change) just care for the environment which republicans dont seem to have any of
Repete · 70-79, M
You can repeat a lie just so many times before people start looking at the facts and stop believing. SCOTUS May have started it but then it snowballed before people started to stand up and speak out about the wrong decision.

I agree with your post completely, thanks for posting.
PTCdresser57 · 61-69, M
Thank you Repete.
we don’t need any trumpian fascist fool trying to take the top spot anymore!
Go Joe Biden!
At least he admits that he's a fucking idiot for backing someone like Dr. Oz.
GrinNude · 61-69, C
I knew we would not forget and of course we would rise up to protect our Reproductive Rights. Birdie
American people don't get their way in politics. Their government almost always does the opposite of what the majority wants. That's not changing with Dems in charge, either.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
Unfortunately, too many evil people did win, give me a break, it is still a toss up in the Georgia senatorial race? A former football player who took too many hits that he can hardly string together a sensible sentence, a group of election deniers. It is still frightening. But, the dems ran terrible campaigns, but still avoided the expected red wave.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
For sport I hope Walker is elected so we can see a Fetterman - Walker debate in the Senate. We may compare that or Lincoln - Douglas and Hayne - Webster @samueltyler2
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@jackjjackson you are being Ng an idiot. If walker could put a sensible sentence together he would surprise me.
You can blame trump..
(100% for dr. Oz)
or McConnell and the rinos backing duds and pulling money out campaigns out of spite..
if Kari drags masters over the line they need to ditch Mitch.. and McCarthy.. ASAP.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
There IS no excuse for GOP politicians that I can see.
TexChik · F
Speak for yourself there mr socialist .
TexChik · F
@PTCdresser57 but your voting habits do, you are what you vote for
PTCdresser57 · 61-69, M
Then you don't know what socialism is. I believe a person works hard for what they have. For me...worked 43 years for 1 company and worked another job at the same time for 20 of those 43 years. Now retired and on SS...in your opinion...I am lazy and getting a handout?
TexChik · F
@PTCdresser57 it’s despicable and in 1950 you would be n jail . Suddenly I’m nostalgic ! 😂
enough red voters came out to over ride the dems cheating system. so much in fact . they have taken the house and may take the senate.

no red wave my pink bumhole.
rinos and paul ryans fox news working over time to split the party.
absolutltly terrified of republican over site and adam schiff style star chamber investigations...
Joe found the repubs amusing today considering it was their worst performance in over 40 years. The next show will be trump and DeSantis going at each other’s throats.

Let the good Times roll 🥳
Zonuss · 46-50, M
It didn't happen because both parties are incompetent and corrupt.
There are no endorsements for the most independent vote or qualified candidates.
And number three, I feel that the majority of Americans are fed up and exhausted with politics in general. And feel little to no real optimism for the future.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@Repete Your vote whether you want to admit it or not, is irrelevant. 🙂
@Zonuss it’s all one big club. And we ain’t in it. LOL.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
TrashCat · M
Donald fuckface had a 92% administration tunover during his short, 1-term presidency. This dink picks losers because he's an incompetent buffoon.
TrashCat · M
@TrashCat nm.
Gelgameckions from percsi 8..
TrashCat · M
Are you havin a stroke? 😂
Look,the only alternative to dumpster boy was sleepy joe. I sure af didnt pick him in the primaries.
EavHDD · 70-79
Joe Biden sucks! Dems. Suck, Repubs are out of touch, Do not trust any Govt . Or our Media,they lie.
I just do not care anymore,Money talks and we are all fools.......................
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TrashCat · M
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Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
It was rigged I tell you!!! Darn illuminati communists!
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@BohemianBabe trump gave tax cuts to corporations but again no stated platform. He only wanted power.
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@swirlie I didn't completely dismiss your post. I agree that the Republicans got draxxed because of Zoomers and Millennials.
As for the Republican policies, after the reversal of Roe v Wade there was a surge in voter registration and most of these new voters were women. So I think the GOP anti-choice policy played a role in them losing. Republicans also want to restrict voting rights, cut taxes for the rich, restart the war with Afghanistan, and ban gender affirming care. All of these policies are unpopular with most Americans, especially younger ones.

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