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Substitute ‘Communist’ for ‘Patriotic’ education

Patriotic education is less about the specific curricular concepts that are featured in American history classes, and more about a philosophical stance that informs our approach, one full of explicit values and assumptions. It involves an audacious faith in America and tells the whole story of our past, which includes the bad with the good.
The Imaginative Conservative

Now, how to maintain that ‘values’ approach and teach the ‘good and bad’ aspects of the past when dealing with imperialism, theft of land, genocide, the subjugation and slavery of stolen tribes, segregation, the McCarthy era, civil rights fights, Vietnam, Japanese internment camps and the like?

Candidates and their sheep are calling for this - the ability to teach only what old white men in government would have us believe. We look back at our immigrant ancestors and tell stories of how languages and song were banned, of how the oppressors switched out a culture for their own, about the poor treatment of immigrants and the attempted bans on education - and we talk about how it’s all so different today. Is it?
redredred · M
Every square foot of land on earth is stolen land. Every human is the descendent of a slave and a master. The common experience of humanity is to be subjugated in bondage to a government of some kind. Only in the last 200 years has this experience begun to change.
redredred · M
@Kwek00 “to” not “too”. Sorry to play grammar Nazi but with your pointless scribbling it’s about all that’s worthy of comment.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@redredred I understand man, when you are this r*tarded you need to have something to feel good about.
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@irishmolly72 monuments are for heroes

Museums are for history .

No one is putting Hitler statues back up in Germany kid,
@irishmolly72 Germans disagree. They teach what their fathers did in ww2.

They don’t try and hide it. Shame on you for promoting ignorance,
Graylight · 51-55, F
@Ryderbike What the Germans do is stuff like etching a holocaust victim's name outside his last known domicile so that no one ever forgets atrocities committed. But there's a whole group in this country so insecure about their own place in history that they rely of larger than life static images to see a version they can sleep with,
WalksWith · 56-60, F
This isn't the first time this crap has happened!

Graylight, if you have not listened to Rachel Maddow's pod cast "Ultra" you really should. it begins with Sen. Lundeen, in the 1930's, his death and actions leading up to it, mainly his involvement with Hitler. It's terrifying and disgusting how close Hitler came to control the US. Then she get's into more and more how sitting congressmen and religious leaders were in on a plot to destroy our democracy, and how it got to where we are today. It's captivating and compelling to listen to.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@WalksWith Ultra is a great documentary.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
History belongs to us all and should always be open to reinterpretation and fresh perspectives. But healthy scepticism is the order of the day when any politician tries to capture history for their oen short term purposes.
Once you start critical analysis of our capitalist system, it's at risk. You should raise children to avoid critical thinking and to work hard.
Graylight · 51-55, F
I think that’s the answer. Tell them through simple picture books what you want them to know, tell them it’s the real truth, threaten them with all things imaginable should they dissent. One color, one flavor, one god, one direction. Right over the cliff.@Roundandroundwego
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Graylight · 51-55, F
They’ve never been more poised to get it through. @LvChris
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Graylight · 51-55, F
@Ryderbike Maybe that's their issue. They can't differentiate between a singer or comedian and an actual troublemaker. It's like treating little Billy's threat to blow up the world the same way you'd treat being taken hostage in a bank.

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