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Biden gaffes

I'm surprised that none of you right-wing folks are posting more about the more recent Biden gaffes. Sure, stress is probably a factor here, but I am someone on the left and starting to feel concerned. The man is approaching 80. I've lost grandparents to dementia, have parents approaching 80, and have seen colleagues decline. The reality is few people maintain their full mental capacities after that age. It was obvious with Reagan, is obvious with Trump, and obvious with Joe Biden. It's sad to watch.

I'm actually expecting Biden to step down sometime in the next 6 months. My guess is the democrat leadership already has a plan.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
@Namor69 And one of them is your wife! 🤪
boudinMan · 61-69, M
there's only one thing worse than biden being president and that's kamala harris.
boudinMan · 61-69, M
@trollslayer and yet he never got us anywhere near a nuclear confrontation despite protestations from the left.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
@boudinMan I'll admit that Kamala Harris has been a disappointment as VP to date. But I don't think she was ready to rush onto the national stage or into a role where your power is more through influence and coercion than direct action. Having witnessed her rise from prosecutor to DA to Attorney General, I've always been impressed with her pragmatic progressiveness, but in those roles she had hands-on direct control. She was barely getting used to being a Senator with only persuasive power and a single vote when she rushed on to the national stage in her primary run for President. Like many a rookie, she may just need to get her "sea legs" in a totally different role than she ever played before. Most people thought Harry Truman would never be up to being a successor President when FDR picked him as VP either.
justanothername · 51-55, M
@boudinMan Putin seems to be flying under the radar quite well despite being the sole reason for the nuclear confrontation….
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
Biden's gaffes are at least partially due to his life-long battle against his stuttering -- a search for the word he wants to use. Yes, most of us my age have some level of diminished cognitive abilities, but the more universal issue is lack of stamina even under normal conditions. I cannot imagine how he could cope with the long-hours and multiple demands put upon that office -- particularly when traveling across multiple time zones -- without having handlers trying to triage demands upon him, and remind him what to do next. Even young executives need those type of handlers. Doesn't make him incapable as long as he has good staff. The old West Wing TV series comes to mind, where President Bartlett was battling MS (and his wife was an MD rather than a PhD).

To me it is more a question of the quality of the Cabinet officials who have the power to remove him, either through persuasion or using the 25th Amendment. Trump's tended to be sycophants, who now keep testifying they were sounding the alarms and trying to hold him accountable but only in 20-20 hindsight when their necks are on the line as well. Nancy appears to have shielded and protected Reagan so Cabinet officials would not see how bad his Alzheimer's had progressed. While Biden's Cabinet is far from Lincoln's Team Of Rivals, I have more confidence that they will step up if necessary.

And part of that confidence is that I think Dr. Jill Biden -- rather than being the shield Nancy was, or actual go-between that Mrs. Woodrow Wilson was -- would be one of the first to advise him that he might need to step down, or at least back for a bit -- another option under the 25th Amendment. Allegedly Joe was encouraged by her to run for President to fulfill the death bed wishes of his late son, Beau. If she sees that it is overwhelming him, I think she would be counseling him to do what is best for himself and the country.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@dancingtongue Good post. I agree that some of what we see are due to the stuttering. I once had a boss that battled the same issue - he sometimes came across as confused - but the man was brilliant. I also had another elderly boss that got to the point where he had to have a handler to help show him where the restroom was. I'm saying that some of what I see as of late with Biden is concerning, because it is more than just fumbling for words. I'm not saying it is dementia - it may be just an 80 year old not able to keep up with a busy schedule. Most 80 year olds have been retired for 15 years - and there is a reason people retire. And I agree - I have MUCH more confidence in Biden's cabinet, and also agree that Biden would know to step down rather than needing the 25th.
Graylight · 51-55, F
He misspeaks, not unlike another who comes to mind.

Oh, and he’s also governing a nation and maintaining our global position as we speak. I’m just gonna go ahead and make a guess he’s got more going on upstairs than you or I both.
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
@Graylight agreed
Northwest · M
So, you think the very basis of our legal system, should be tossed out, because SCOTUS justices serve for life?

I can deal with some gaffes, at least we know they're easily corrected. The 24/7 lying to our faces is not so benign.
Vin53 · M
Thats pretty dumb. Biden has done this job for 50 odd years now. He's steeled, experienced, and committed to be our president. Sorry, but you should be proud first.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@Vin53 And a cow jumped over the moon
Vin53 · M
And trump had two elections rigged against him, in a row.

Graylight · 51-55, F
@Vin53 Sad.
redredred · M
Biden is the smartest, most articulate, clear thinking democrat on the planet. He’s a perfect democrat. He lies when he speaks. He makes up facts whenever he needs one. I used to fault him for serving in congress for 47 years and never accomplishing one single thing but now that I see what he’s done in two years as president, I’d like to thank him for never doing anything as a senator.

Hey and look at him whenever he’s meeting a child or young woman. All that sniffing, perfect.

I hope he runs again in 2024. It’ll be like “Weekend at Bernies II”
its sad that he is being propped up by people who dont seem to care about his well being. they are basically using the old fella for their own works.
Was this a gaffe or something he well knew but unintentionally remarked, indicating what we now know… US military in
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Ukraine? His words. Off the WH gov site. He was addressing US troops in Poland.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
@soar2newhighs https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/us-military-inspectors-ukraine-keep-track-weapons-equipment-rcna54891
@dancingtongue I followed up. Yes he/ administration said this would be done.
As a veteran I think this is foolish and dangerous. But you know politicians .,.they know best. They’ll get us all killed. BTW is there an exit date/ strategy should this go south?
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
@soar2newhighs Well, if he truly has regrets about his son Beau, he better have although I am as dubious as you. I'm old enough to remember how those non-combatant roles can become combatant in the blink of an eye. When I came out of advanced training, the plum assignment was Viet Nam where you would wear civilian clothes and live mostly like a civilian. In a couple of months time -- not so much.
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
I know plenty of people over 80 that are sharp and on the mark, I know an 83 year old that is a professional mountain climber, a different 81 year old that can easily handle A 40 mile hike. Propaganda is out there, Biden stutters and always has, this is not a cognitive issue, he misspeaks at times, so do plenty of 22 year olds. So you are spreading negative misinformation here.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@BackyardShaman Idk - forgetting for a minute how his son died seems a bit concerning. Fumbling over words in one thing. Forgetfulness is another.
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
@trollslayer grief does not create senility
Politics needs younger people.
@Graylight In the days following next Tuesday we’ll see what the future might hold.
Graylight · 51-55, F
Being the winner doesn’t a champion make.@soar2newhighs
@Graylight Touché!
Freeranger · M
Well......give it a moment. They're just now digging in to building the case on Hunter's laptop, the FBI's illicit involvement, and "The Big Guy." That should be a wingdinger.
Meanwhile.......Kamala seems to be in to yellow buses. Who knew?😁
@Freeranger Joe was spouting something yesterday about being a professor and how often he was with Xi ( he’s very proud of that) selling us out.
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sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Biden is and always has been a worthless human being. He was chosen by the wealthy and powerful because he will do what he is told to do and Trump is too mentally-ill to think about anything but himself. We didn't vote for Biden, we voted against Trump.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
I doubt Biden will step down in the next six months. I think he will serve out his term but announce later in 2023 that he will not be a candidate in 2024, to give Democrats time to jostle to replace him. And I would approve of that.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
Age has nothing to do with it, biden's lack of mental ability is everything

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