The crap the sleazy Dims are doing to Trump, reminds me of judge Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation hearings.
I always thought that in America, you were innocent until proven guilty. Well, not when the Dims are in charge of the hearing. Brett was guilty, until he could prove his innocence.
What was he guilty of? Being part of a gang rape that took place 30 years ago at a college party. Christine Blasey Ford was the main victim of the rapes. (other sleaze-balls came forward)
Asker: Ford, did you go to the police? Ford: No.
Asker: Why not? Ford: I don't know.
Asker: Are you going to go to the police now? Ford: No.
Asker: Where were you raped? Ford: At a party.
Asker: Who raped you? Ford: I'm not sure.
Asker: Where was the party? Ford: I don't know.
Asker: How did you get to the party? Ford: I don't know.
Asker: How did you get home from the party? Ford: I don't know.
Asker: Are you sure Brett was part of the gang rape? Ford: Well, earlier I saw him near the punch bowl.
You think I made this up? Do your own research. These are the monsters of the new Dimocratic party.
It was a kangaroo court. They said a lot of people got hurt on Jan 6th. They also said that Trump knew that many of them had guns? The commies are good at lying.