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Is She a genius ?

A Mother showed up to a school committee meeting wearing the same outfit a drag queen performer wore on stage in front of school children, the awkward faces on the school committee members was priceless.
She asked them if the outfit was appropriate for any occasion during school.
I showed up at a church in a nun's habit, and people were definitely not happy. Why is it OK for nuns but not me?
@LeopoldBloom And she is not concerned about it because she's concerned about it. it has to be some conservative plot. she doesn't think for herself. according to you. Have you tracked her down to find out her political beliefs? Because only conservatives disagree with drag queens performing in schools, right?
@FreeSpirit1 Anyone who would do that is a hysterical drama queen obsessed with the current conservative hysteria over drag queens "grooming" our precious innocent children who wouldn't even know such things existed because they don't have cell phones or access to pornography. I have just as much "evidence" for that as you do for your theory that the school board knew in advance what the performance would be even though school boards normally aren't informed of school activities on that level. It's possible that the teacher assigned to monitor the group knew but the article didn't mention that.
@LeopoldBloom ok👍
Driver2 · M
Yes she is ,
ididntknow · 51-55, M
What a brilliant move, well done that mother 👍
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HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
Seems logical
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
@FreeSpirit1 I would never bring my kids to a show where a man was wearing makeup and had a strange hair style, so that means no Trump rallies.
@LeopoldBloom Neither would I , kids are not really fans of bullshit political rallies.
Graylight · 51-55, F
Who is suggesting drag outfits are OK for school? Drag is a form of theater which takes place in a theater in front of an audience. Jesus.
@Graylight because it was in front of school children where a man wearing a thong leotard, knee high boots, clown like makeup and a blonde wig was twerking and performing. The Mother was proving a point that there is a time and place for that and in front of school kids is not one of those times or places.
Obviously there are those like you who think it's fine so her point making would be lost on you, it wasn't lost on the school committee members, they looked like they got it. .
Graylight · 51-55, F
@FreeSpirit1 "The drag show involved dancers who volunteered to perform for the after-school event. The dancers entered the school in their tight-fitting costumes and could be seen by students at dismissal. But the owner of the entertainment company whose dancers performed said they often wear about “seven layers” of skin-colored tights and stockings beneath their costumes."

The point of drag shows isn't sex or titillation; it's a celebration of freedom, expression and gender, so you're not going to see naked people performing sex acts. Speaking of which, did you see the performance at all or you're just passing along rumor?

Reminds me of something:

Loosen up or take that frozen grip from the throat of others, because what they do is none of your business. There are restaurants dedicated to drag, nightly shows in any city you can name, normal hetero men enjoy cross-dressing for special occasions, and women and synthesized the man's traditional styles through fashion for decades. Grow up, teach your children, show them the world. And please, name for me one single crime ever caused by drag. Just one.
@Graylight 👍
pdockal · 56-60, M
About fucking time we take back society
pdockal · 56-60, M
I didn't make any threats
You fucking did and are a fucking idiot
I'm fucking done with you
Keep your threats to yourself
@pdockal I took what you said as a threat. I didn't make a threat, just a statement. But no problem, if you want to crawl back under your rock and cry, that's fine.
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revenant · F
ahahahah good for her
CaptainKirk · 41-45, M
antonioioio · 70-79, M
Genius 👍
carpediem · 61-69, M
Rhode57 · 56-60, M
Lol must have been quite a sight and understand why she did it .
What? Drag queens in schools?
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
What does she look like?
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
Your momdid that ?
GerOttman · 61-69, M

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